
Source: https://www.falsebayecho.co.za/news/impact-of-5g-draft-policy-on-property-51606325?fbclid=IwAR1dDsdal_NJhkViITWAeGbu1cHp9FxvSpqpSdwHScHSCQg4qxxT499GuUI By Karen Kotze Jul 30, 2020 A government draft policy, if passed, will allow mobile networks to build 5G electronic communication infrastructure on your property without compensation. The draft submitted by Department of Communication and Digital Technologies Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams appears in Gazette No. 43537 dated Wednesday July 22. It says property owners could be...
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Source: https://www.multichannel.com/news/utilities-sue-fcc-over-6-ghz-order#:~:text=The%20Utilities%20Technology%20Council%20has,the%20entire%206%20GHz%20band.&text=Electric%20utilities%2D%2Dand%20broadcast,from%20unlicensed%20broadband%20access%20devices. By JOHN EGGERTON The Utilities Technology Council has joined broadcasters in suing the FCC over its decision to allow unlicensed use in the entire 6 GHz band.  “The Federal Communications Commission acted unlawfully and against the public interest when it permitted a host of new users into a vital spectrum band that will...
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Source: https://www.courthousenews.com/fight-over-berkeley-cellphone-warning-mandate-returns-to-federal-court/?fbclid=IwAR3veE0Ez2xHUfXKy39uNMRyi35vb2UJhXRXiyly_U9wQB9xHAV7FhssD2s MARIA DINZEO July 23, 2020 SAN FRANCISCO (CN) — The city of Berkeley’s five-year battle with the wireless industry over cellphone-radiation warnings came to a head Thursday before a federal judge, who will decide whether the city’s 2015 ordinance requiring retailers to provide guidance on avoiding radio-frequency exposure is pre-empted by federal law....
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Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams has gazetted a new policy on the deployment of communications networks in South Africa. The policy aims to accommodate the accelerated deployment of electronic communications networks, such as LTE and 5G networks. The policy gives mobile networks and other licensees the right to select, enter, and use...
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Source: https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Government-and-industry-combine-to-downplay-the-15421230.php By Mark Leno and Ellie Marks July 21, 2020 In 2015, the city of Berkeley passed an ordinance requiring cell phone retailers to advise consumers, in a flyer at the point of sale, that keeping a cell phone in their pocket or near their body could expose them to wireless radiation above Federal...
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20 Jul 2020 The French law firm Beaubourg avocats represented by attorney Elias Bourran filed a class action suit against the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi with the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office on Friday, July 17, 2020. This class action, which brings together some sixty plaintiffs, follows the criminal complaint filed on April 15, 2019, by the Phonegate...
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Source: https://www.appleworld.today/blog/2020/7/17/judge-orders-apple-to-make-public-its-fcc-correspondence-regarding-iphone-radiation-levels?fbclid=IwAR0nt9K4Y9cif9p8BS17cD-qOlMmh97iCvRLZc0x_bK0hVjJCJRCNFU9O7Q July 17 2020 by Dennis Sellers U.S. District Judge William Alsup has ordered Apple to hand over its Federal Communications Commission correspondence to consumers who allege iPhones emit dangerous levels of radiation, after asking Apple during a hearing if it was “afraid” the public would be “horrified” at the information, reports Law360 (a...
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06/30/2020 Auto translated from French. Source: https://www.anfr.fr/index.php?id=425&no_cache=1&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews_preview%5D=1450 The obligation to inform the consumer regarding the specific absorption rate (SAR) is extended, from July 1, 2020, to all radio equipment emitting more than 20 mW and intended to be used near the body. This obligation was previously limited only to mobile telephones. The national agency of frequencies (ANFR)...
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Source: https://www.law.com/legaltechnews/2020/06/29/5g-is-unleashing-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-heres-what-it-means-for-legal-systems/ The Fourth Industrial Revolution will fuse advanced technologies with high-speed wireless connectivity to blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. The ensuing impact on our systems will transform how we produce, manage and govern our world and ourselves. By Louis Lehot and Ethan Floyd, L2 Counsel | June 29, 2020 at 07:00 AM...
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Our June 2020 newsletter can be viewed at: https://mailchi.mp/8b286edacef3/emf-news   “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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