
Lee DWH, Tong KW, Lai PBS. Telehealth practice in surgery: Ethical and medico-legal considerations. Surgical Practice. 2021 Feb;25(1):42-46. DOI: 10.1111/1744-1633.12479. Abstract There was rapid growth of telehealth practice during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. In surgery, there were beneficial effects in terms of saving time and avoiding physical contact between healthcare professionals and patients when...
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Landlords could miss out on £50m per year, according to research Source: The Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2021/04/04/uk-5g-faces-74bn-delay-amid-landlord-disputes/ By Ben Gartside and Matthew Field, 4 April 2021 The economy will take a hit of £7.4bn due to the slow rollout of 5G if a dispute between landlords and telecoms companies continues to hold back the technology. Economists have warned reforms...
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Source: Microwave News https://microwavenews.com/papers/chris-portier-rf-evaluation Excerpt April 1, 2021 Defense Seeks To Bar Portier Testimony As expected, defense lawyers have asked the DC court to not allow Christopher Portier to be an expert witness in this case. In a filing yesterday, the team representing the cell phone industry, argued that, “[A]llowing a new expert four months before the...
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Image: SpaceX on Unsplash Our March 2021 Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/satellite-webinar-april “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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Source: National Law Review https://www.natlawreview.com/article/california-employment-law-notes-march-2021 Brown v. Los Angeles Unified School Dist., 2021 WL 631030 (Cal. Ct. App. 2021) Laurie Brown, a teacher at Millikan Middle School, alleged she experienced chronic pain, which was allegedly caused by a new Wi-Fi system the school had installed.  Brown’s medical provider diagnosed her with “electromagnetic hypersensitivity sensitivity” (EHS).  Brown...
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Source: https://www.mobileworldlive.com/asia/asia-news/korean-5g-users-to-seek-compensation 19th of March 2021 Author: Joseph Waring More than 1,000 5G subscribers in South Korea planned joint legal action against mobile operators over what they claim are slow data rates and poor coverage, Yonhap News Agency reported. The group plans to file a class action lawsuit in May after adding more users to a complaint....
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16 March 2021 Pretoria – The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA/the Authority) has considered the detailed reasons for judgement in respect of the interdict granted to Telkom and e.tv, as it relates to the Invitation To Apply (“ITA”) for high-demand International Mobile Telecommunications (“IMT”) spectrum, as well as the ITA for the Wireless...
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Source: This is Big News from USA: Yet another expert considers RF as probably carcinogenic Posted on March 15th, 2021 Dariusz Leszczynski: I have written, on several occasions, about the differences between ICNIRP opinions and opinions of ICNIRP members when placed in non-ICNIRP scientific committees. There is something wrong with ICNIRP, that operates in detachment from...
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Source: https://www.saferemr.com/2021/03/expert-report-by-former-us-government.html Monday, March 15, 2021 Expert Report by Former U.S. Government Official Concludes High Probability Radio Frequency Radiation Causes Brain Tumors Christopher J. Portier, Ph.D., former director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), and...
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ICASA notes the outcome of Telkom’s application to interdict ICASA from proceeding with the auction process in terms of the Invitation To Apply (“ITA”) for high demand spectrum as well as the ITA for the Wireless Open Access Network (“WOAN”) both of which were issued on 2 October 2020. Pretoria – The Independent Communications Authority...
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