
ORSAA 28 May Newsletter Julie McCredden, Steven Weller & Victor Leach in Australia talking about upcoming 5G Health Symposium on 7th July: https://www.facebook.com/groups/STOP5GGlobal/permalink/2299995236934513?sfns=mo The 7th July is an all day symposium and will allow for a short question and answer session at the end of each talk and a forum discussion at the end. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/5g-healthsymposium-brisbane-with-barrister-ray-broomhall-steve-weller-paul-seils-co-tickets-61868577581 Although ORSAA...
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Re- posted from: Electromagnetic Radiation Safety https://www.saferemr.com/2018/08/cellphonestudies2years.html An annotated bibliography which contains 92 papers published in scientific journals during the last two years that report evidence of harm from cell phone radiation exposure can be downloaded from: This set of papers reflects various types of harm from exposure to cell phone radiation including reproductive harm,...
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