
James Lech
Image: Satellite in orbit, NASA Unsplash.com Join us on Sunday, April 25th, for our free monthly webinar. Topic: Satellites Presenter: James Lech. Mr. Lech is a PhD candidate, multidisciplinary researcher and the recipient of numerous local and international awards. Time: 3pm – 4pm (SAST) Kindly contact us at https://www.emfsa.co.za/contact/ for the link to attend
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Presenter: James Lech (PhD candidate, multidisciplinary and quantum biology researcher). Mr Lech is the recipient of numerous South African and international awards. Topics ⦿5G – why will South Africa be experiencing very different health effects to the rest of the world? ⦿The Magnetico – pseudoscience or not? Date: 28th of March Time: 3pm (SAST) Cost: free For more...
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  The “Other” Half of the Spectrum – Thermal and non-thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation exposure D. Miles  EMFSA  www.emfsa.co.za   Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos     Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe BMBS (Soton) – UK / USA http://phiremedical.org   https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/reveh.2016.31.issue-3/reveh-2016-0011/reveh-2016-0011.xml South African Scientist  James Lech Mr Lech’s CV is included in the link below:   Carcinogenicity Studies Cell...
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30th July 2018 Prof. Frank Barnes is a distinguished professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. He received his B.S. from Princeton University in electrical engineering in 1954, his M.S. Engineer and Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1955, 1956, and 1958. He joined the University of Colorado in 1959. He was appointed a Distinguished Professor...
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Cell towers are a big concern for residents of South Africa. Especially with there being no regulation or monitoring on their radiation emissions, transmitters being illegally erected and public participation bypassed or steamrolled. Part of my thesis (available on jameslech.co.za) was the legislative qualification of a public interest override The function of ‘substances released into...
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