
Source: https://spacenews.com/china-is-developing-plans-for-a-13000-satellite-communications-megaconstellation/ by Andrew Jones — April 21, 2021 HELSINKI — China is to oversee the construction and operation of a national satellite internet megaconstellation through coordinating the country’s major space actors.  Recent comments by senior officials indicate that plans are moving ahead to alter earlier constellation plans by space sector state-owned enterprises and possibly make these part...
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Image credit: Carlos de Souza, Unsplash.com China Standards 2035 Chinese government is working towards a standards master plan — China Standards 2035, a blueprint for China’s government bodies and leading technology companies to set global standards for emerging technologies like 5G internet, IoT, artificial intelligence, e-commerce traceability, smart and green manufacturing, and clean energy, among...
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At the ITU Regional Forum for Europe on October 23rd, 2020, Rodney Croft, ICNIRP Chair, included the following slide in his presentation: Image: Rodney Croft ICNIRP Chair Link to Croft’s presentation: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Regional-Presence/Europe/Documents/Events/2020/5G_EUR_CIS/Session%205_%20Rodney%20Croft%20-CROFT%20ITU%2023rd%20Oct%202020.pdf To mock those with electrohypersensitivity in this way, by including the “Better Call Saul” image is, in our opinion, cruel, disrespectful and insensitive....
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Staff Writer 30 September 2020 Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/5g/369541-telecoms-companies-have-the-right-to-build-a-5g-tower-in-your-yard-minister.html An electronic communications network service licensee has the right to enter upon any land to construct electronic communications networks and facilities. This was feedback from Communications Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams who was answering a question in Parliament from the ACDP’s Wayne Maxim Thring. Thring questioned Ndabeni-Abrahams on a new policy that...
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By THERESA HITCHENS on September 11, 2020  WASHINGTON: The FCC’s controversial decision to let Ligado proceed with its 5G wireless network over fierce DoD objections is just one more example of the broken state of the US regime for managing spectrum, industry experts say. “There’s a lot of inefficiencies in the process. But it’s basically a fight,...
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Source: https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/now-china-wants-to-capture-telecommunications-standards/ After capturing WHO (World Health Organization), now the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has set its eyes on enslaving ITU (International Telecommunication Union). In its 8 September 2020 missive, the CCP has made clear its intentions: to establish global standards on data security. Perhaps Chinese State Councillor Wang Yi mouthing multilateralism in the same breath and...
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Rob Frieden, The evolving 5G case study in United States unilateral spectrum planning and policy,Telecommunications Policy, Volume 44, Issue 9, 2020, 102011, ISSN 0308-5961,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2020.102011.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308596120301038) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308596120301038 Extract: This paper offers a critical rebuke to unilateral spectrum management, because the short-term benefits expected by the U. S. government likely will be offset by countervailing harms to 5G...
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The role of the GSMA: •The GSMA represents the mobile industry to governments and institutions where it advocates policy and regulatory positions on behalf of its members. Its stated goals in this area is to ensure that mobile telecoms “policy and regulatory frameworks are fair, flexible and future-proof”; that radio spectrum is made available for...
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Publication Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Speculation linking 5G mobile telephony and data networks to a range of health threats, has been rife. Some claims even go to the extent of attributing the current COVID-19 pandemic to the initial rollouts of 5G networks. Unfortunately, a lot of opinions aired do not come with a high degree...
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In 2008, the Rockefeller Foundation brought together a group of people at their seminal conference “eHealth connect” and coined the term “mHealth”. It was short-hand to describe the use of a mobile phone to perform healthcare. The term “mHealth” gave weight to a new industry that the world could never have imagined. https://www.openmhealth.org/mhealth-2020/ The global...
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