
Irish Times
Sunday February 16 2020 Source: Eithne Dodd, The Sunday Times https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/ireland/prof-tom-butler-s-complaint-upheld-over-wi-fi-article-in-irish-times-x9fn0gjdh?fbclid=IwAR2wSYZ4rkjFdI4NfXCzI6lHtSbXsdIuBNZL0lf14UpBpwOT-kL4ZS8DHw8 The press ombudsman has upheld a complaint in relation to a New York Times article that was republished by The Irish Times last September, writes Eithne Dodd. Headlined “Are there any real links between wireless technology and health?”, it was written by William Broad,...
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