
Top Breakthrough Discovery | Published April 2019 in Nature Cell Biology After discovering a light-dependent molecular pathway that regulates how blood vessels develop in the eye, scientists at Cincinnati Children’s suggest it may be possible to use light therapy to help preterm infants avoid life-long vision problems. A study in mouse models reveals that normal function of...
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Top Breakthrough Discovery | Published April 2019 in Nature Cell Biology After discovering a light-dependent molecular pathway that regulates how blood vessels develop in the eye, scientists at Cincinnati Children’s suggest it may be possible to use light therapy to help preterm infants avoid life-long vision problems. A study in mouse models reveals that normal function of...
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Today we remember: Apply the Precautionary Principle as far as cell phone use is concerned. •A cell phone is not a toy, it is a radiation emitting device. •Use by infants and children under the age of two should rather be avoided. •Children and teenagers under the age of 16 should carry cell phones for...
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate foetal impact of radiofrequencies (RFs) emitted from mobile phones in postnatal cord blood. The study carried on 149 pregnant women divided into four groups such as nonusers of mobile phone (n: 37; control group), 2–15 min/d (n: 39; group 1), 15–60 min/d (n: 37; group 2) and participants...
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Lu, X., Oda, M., Ohba, T. et al. Association of excessive mobile phone use during pregnancy with birth weight: an adjunct study in Kumamoto of Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Environ Health Prev Med 22, 52 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12199-017-0656-1 Abstract Background Low birth weight has been shown to be closely associated with neonatal mortality and morbidity, inhibited growth, poor cognitive development,...
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