
Source: https://theconversation.com/why-renewable-energy-wont-end-energy-poverty-in-zimbabwe-159008 April 29, 2021 Article by Ellen Fungisai Chipango Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Johannesburg Zimbabwe is one of the African countries that hopes renewable energy technologies will help to address their energy problems. About 42% of Zimbabwe’s households are connected to the electricity grid. The country has huge and diverse renewable energy potential. Its sustainable...
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E.F. Chipango, Constructing, understanding and interpreting energy poverty in Zimbabwe: A postmodern perspective, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 75, 2021, 102026, ISSN 2214-6296,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2021.102026. Abstract Energy poverty is well acknowledged in the global public and scholarly discussions. Nonetheless, it is habitually analysed in isolation from the discourse through which it is framed, produced, represented and...
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https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.01265 [Submitted on 2 Feb 2021] The Limits of Global Inclusion in AI Development Alan Chan, Chinasa T. Okolo, Zachary Terner, Angelina Wang Those best-positioned to profit from the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems are those with the most economic power. Extant global inequality has motivated Western institutions to involve more diverse groups in the development and...
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04 Aug 2020 Researchers say bigger issues — poverty, corruption, inequality — can undermine rural energy programs if unaddressed. By Maria Gallucci In Zimbabwe, where access to the electrical grid is sparse and unreliable, millions of people still burn wood to cook food and heat their homes. The practice is partly to blame for worsening deforestation...
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