
Image credit: Carlos de Souza, Unsplash.com China Standards 2035 Chinese government is working towards a standards master plan — China Standards 2035, a blueprint for China’s government bodies and leading technology companies to set global standards for emerging technologies like 5G internet, IoT, artificial intelligence, e-commerce traceability, smart and green manufacturing, and clean energy, among...
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Source: Between A Rock And A Hard Place – A Science Blog By Dariusz Leszczynski Excerpts: On April 11, 2019, the Editorial Team at the International Electrotechnical Commission has published a blog post: “New IEC Technical Report helps stakeholders evaluate human exposure to 5G base stations”. This report is to provide assurances of quality and safety of...
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Credit for this post: https://itis.swiss/news-events/news/latest-news/ Excerpts: The unified SAR measurement standard IEC/IEEE 62209-1528 made another significant step towards publication last week at IEEE headquarters in Piscataway, New Jersey. The document is now heading to the FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) stage at IEC. Publication as a dual-logo standard is expected in the second half of...
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  The workshop took place in the framework of ITU’s Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) Study Group 2 Question 7/2 during the ITU-D Study Group 2 meetings. Question 7/2 refers to the study on strategies and policies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields. ITU has developed several recommendations on the issue and Member States are encouraged...
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