
Martin L. Pall, PhD Among the scientific reviews documenting these various non-thermal health effects are 134 that follow. Each of these reviews cites at least a dozen primary literature citations showing non-thermal effects, with many citing 100 or more going up to the 3 rd reference which cites over 1000 such citations. It can be...
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by Marc Arazi, arazi.fr,  http://arazi.fr/ 30 November 2017.  Translated from French by the authors of ‘Towards Better Health’ http://mieuxprevenir.blogspot.co.za/2017/11/phonegate-initial-response-from-us-food.html As part of its ongoing support for the health and industrial scandal of Phonegate, the American organization, Environmental Health Trust (EHTrust), chaired by Dr. Devra Davis, wished to engage the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) https://www.fda.gov/  on...
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On November 11, 2017, Medical Associations in Cyprus and Austria issued a new position paper calling for an updated policy to protect the public from electromagnetic radiation emissions from cell phones and other wireless devices: The Problem: Please note the following included in the recommendations section: Nicosia 2017 Declaration Position Paper on Electromagnetic Radiation and...
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Lecture by Olle Johansson “Electromagnetic Fields and their adverse affects on our health” at the presentation session of The Madrid International Scientific Declaration on Electromagnetic Fields and Health Effects, September 28, 2017, at the Royal Academia Nacional de Medicina (Madrid):      
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By Marc Arazi, Published: October 20, 2017 George Carlo: “I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr Arazi here today here in Paris to discuss his findings in the Phonegate project.This is critically important for everyone using cell phones because we have evidence that phones that are used every day violate the safety standards that...
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Written by Martine Vriens. Published on Saturday, October 07, 2017 for  Stichting EHS https://stichtingehs.nl/   On May 24, 2017, a resolution was proposed in Belgium to acknowledge EHS. A very important step because, if the resolution is approved, the government will have to indicate what they have done with the resolution and what measures have been taken...
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The integrated antennas of your Speedport send and receive radio signals for the provision of your WLAN (wireless network). Avoid setting up your Speedport in the immediate vicinity of sleeping, children’s rooms and lounges in order to keep the exposure to electromagnetic fields as low as possible. Telekom Deutschland 9,2, 2017 kurzbedienungsanleitung-speedport-smart Thanks to Professor...
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Irradiated: A Comprehensive Compilation and Analysis of the Literature on Radiofrequency Fields and the Negative Biological Impacts of Non- ionizing  Electromagnetic Fields (particularly radiofrequency fields) on Biological Organisms.   To download the electronic version of this publication, click below: Irradiated Further Resources You may also download a ready-to-print PDF containing many of the documents used...
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There Are Safer Ways To Be Connected. When you can and not in use turn it off.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2017 Increased radiation from cell towers poses potential risks, say scientists from around the world.  http://www.saferemr.com/2017/09/5G-moratorium12.html  (Örebro, Sweden)  Over 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries sent a  declaration  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B14R6QNkmaXuelFrNWRQcThNV0U/view to officials of the European Commission today demanding a moratorium on the increase of cell antennas for planned 5G expansion. Concerns over...
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