
Review DH Toffa & AD Sow (2020) The enigma of headaches associated with electromagnetic hyperfrequencies: Hypotheses supporting non-psychogenic algogenic processes, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 39:3, 196-205, DOI: 10.1080/15368378.2020.1762638 ABSTRACT Although an electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is reported in numerous studies, some authors associate hyperfrequencies (HF)-related pains with a nocebo effect while others suggest a biological effect. Therefore, we aimed to suggest hypotheses about the...
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Jan 30, 2019 Tech Insider: Americans spend more than seven hours a day starting at digital screens. This screen time often leads to blurred vision, eyestrain, and long-term vision problems like nearsightedness. What’s more, screens emit blue light, which disrupts our circadian rhythms at night when we’re trying to fall asleep. And all of this...
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Speaker Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, Founder of Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) Trustee Radiation Research Trust Medical Advisor Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) Member International Guidelines on Non-Ionising Radiation (IGNIR) Medical Advisor ES-UK
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                June 16th has been created as International Electrosensitive Day to raise global awareness of  Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) / Electromagnetic Field Intolerance Syndrome (EMFIS). We dedicate this post to all the dads out there and especially those with the above environmental illness. Men often overlook symptoms and warning signs because...
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Swanson RL, Hampton S, Green-McKenzie J, et al. Neurological Manifestations Among US Government Personnel Reporting Directional Audible and Sensory Phenomena in Havana, Cuba. JAMA. 2018;319(11):1125–1133. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.1742 February 15, 2018 Preliminary Communication Key Points Question  Are there neurological manifestations associated with reports of audible and sensory phenomena among US government personnel in Havana, Cuba? Findings  In this case series...
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Credit for this post: Dutch article by Florien van Rees,photo series Koen Verheijden 14-01-18 published in AD (Algemeen Dagblad) Link to the article https://www.ad.nl/binnenlnd/ziek-van-straling%7Ea9f1f801/ Translation by the authors of this site: Those with electrohypersensitivity are often misunderstood and accused of being crazy. These are the people who are getting sick from cell towers and wi-fi....
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This post has been updated to reflect the latest science: Is your child presenting with unexplained medical issues? Spent a fortune on medical consultations and supplements? Stickers and crystals not doing the trick? Make sure to read and understand: https://www.emfsa.co.za/ehs-research-update-june-2021/ PDF https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/World_Health_Organization_International.pdf Explanatory videos available on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EMFSA Two courses on offer by a top university: Light,...
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Malikova MA Boston University, Boston Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Boston, MA, USA Kaliaev AO Avesta Central Hospital, Saratov, Russia Sukhoruchkin AA Stroygrad Medical Center, Kirsanov, Russia Bakhmetev AS Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Saratov, Russia DOI: 10.15761/SCRR.1000104 Abstract Objective : This is a study to assess the impact of the...
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The 10 detrimental health effects of wireless devices. By Juhana Harju. (Finnish non-fiction author and nutrition expert. Besides nutrition, he is also interested in the salutary effects of nature and adverse effects of technology.) Almost everyone nowadays has a smartphone. We use them so much every day that it is a good idea to consider...
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