
The WHO (2006) explains how the use of the words guidelines and standards has substantially different implications for public health and EMF radiation protection enforcement: 1. Guidelines are voluntary instruments of instructions and recommendations that are not legally mandated and therefore have no legal standing. 2. Standards are the mandatory, compulsory and legally binding instruments, i.e., laws, acts, regulations, ordinances and decrees....
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IGNIR offers science-based advice and guidance on the health and environmental effects of man-made non-ionising radiation.  Its aim is to protect people and the environment from detrimental exposure to man-made EMF pollution, and comprises three functions:To provide advice about appropriate safety levels for man-made electromagnetic exposureTo assess published guidelines on man-made electromagnetic exposure and make...
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Professor Tom Butler, University of Cork (An extended working paper) AbstractDigital wireless technologies increasingly employ radiofrequency non-ionizing radiation (NIR/RFR) for wireless communication. Early wireless technology innovation focused on military, aviation, and telecommunication applications, such as radar and microwave communications. However, the 1980s saw the rollout of commercial consumer-oriented wireless cellular telecommunications systems. While concerns on...
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The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators with almost 400 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. https://www.gsma.com/aboutus/ GSMA Europe: Adopting International RF-EMF Exposure Guidelines: Benefits for 5G Network...
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Frank Barnes, Ben Greenebaum First published:20 April 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/bem.22267 Grant sponsors: DARPA, grant number: HR000111810006; Milheim Foundation. Conflicts of interest: None. [Correction added on 22 Apr 2020, after first online publication: removed part of sentence referring to 4 W/m2]. Abstract Current limits for exposures to nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) are set, based on relatively short‐term exposures....
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  ICNIRP_Media_Release_110320 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)1,2 Author Information Health Physics: March 11, 2020 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001210 Guidelines_for_Limiting_Exposure_to.99797 (1)  
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Source: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”, a science blog by Dariusz Leszczynski: New ICNIRP Guidelines will be published, any moment now, in the Health Physics journal. However, for already several months it is known what these new ICNIRP Guidelines will be… Interestingly and importantly, ICNIRP dismisses completely: existence and significance of non-thermal effects existence of the risk of...
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Steve Hart interviews Prof Dariusz Leszczynski about  5G Watch the video at the link below: https://www.nzptv.org.nz/videos/is-5g-safe?fbclid=IwAR2eUNCH45NzJQh26kflcnGIXahUlzSRl_8G4DdNnBQxZAm1jXMSnhBkIak
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Slideshare Presentation by Mikko Ahonen (Researcher, PhD) at the University of Umeå. Umeå is a test city for 5G in Sweden A slide from the presentation:
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