
Source: https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/11/13/102462/5g-has-security-flaws-that-could-let-hackers-track-your-location/#Echobox=1573656773 November 13 th Snippet Time is running out: Although they still face technical and regulatory barriers, 5G networks are starting to roll out in a few major cities worldwide, offering faster speeds and (we are told) greater security for users. Plugging these security holes will be an urgent task. Read the full article at:...
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Source: https://www.itweb.co.za/content/O2rQGqApY92Md1ea Africa and Europe are headed for a clash later this month when the parties converge in Egypt for the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC). The conference will review, and, if necessary, revise the radio regulations, the international treaty governing the use of the radio frequency spectrum and the geostationary-satellite and non-geostationary-satellite orbits. Revisions are made on...
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The GSMA Association is a trade body that represents the interests of mobile network operators worldwide. Approximately 800 mobile operators are full GSMA members and a further 300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem are associate members. Link to the document GSMA_MMF_RiskCommsGuide_FINAL
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