
Green Energy
Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/science-environment-56678976?fbclid=IwAR1SMNpitR5SZF6-O6nN5oBSaU5mLsk3UEefJ2CqYnR12q08ael8frnROnE As the world begins to move away from petrol and diesel-power cars, there are questions over how the metals needed for batteries in electric vehicles will be sourced. One possibility is to mine the deep ocean floor. A number of companies are lining up to exploit the minerals found there, but campaigners warn...
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Source: https://www.thestar.com/news/atkinsonseries/2021/01/13/smart-city-megaprojects-get-a-lot-of-hype-so-why-do-so-many-turn-out-to-be-expensive-disappointments.html By John Lorinc Atkinson Fellow Wed., Jan. 13, 2021 A languishing brownfield site. A developer’s visions of castles in the sky. Corporate partnerships to build cutting-edge smart city infrastructure. And the promise of luring tech giants prepared to invest billions. The hype could have easily described Sidewalk Labs’ now aborted Toronto venture, but this story...
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A legacy of deferred maintenance, mismanagement, and massive debt for underperforming power plants built by South African utility Eskom may be tough to overcome 04 Aug 2020 By David Wagman Optimists look to the future of Eskom, South Africa’s electric utility, and see a glass half full. Pessimists see a glass nearly empty. The optimists look to...
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