
June 18, 2020 Auto translated from German. Klaus BuchnerandMichèle Rivasi Link to the report: https://klaus-buchner.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ICNIRP-report-FINAL-19-JUNE-2020.pdf An ICNIRP (International Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) study was published today, commissioned by Michèle Rivasi and Prof. Klaus Buchner, two MEPs from France and Germany. The result of this report is a scandal: Germany, like most countries in the...
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CAPITAL INFO. Environmental activists are asking for legal expertise on 5G. They assigned the four mobile operators, who must justify to an expert the measures they have taken to prevent any risk to health or the environment. Auto translated from French. Source: https://www.capital.fr/entreprises-marches/5g-500-militants-ecologistes-assignent-orange-bouygues-sfr-et-free-en-justice-1371054?fbclid=IwAR3YtM0l6nmhY0FTnJ3aDpVWciq6mTIBYmhAn0ui732S17Nqkxx5tYiBdQ0 Snippet: Environmentalists are continuing their judicial action against 5G, the mobile telephone standard which...
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Thursday 28 May 2020 | 11:01 CET | News A group of 500 environmental campaigners has started legal proceedings against France’s four mobile networks, reports Capital. The court action aims to enforce the application of the precautionary principle to the deployment of 5G services. In practice, this requires an assessment of the possible risks that 5G...
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POSTED ON MAY 15TH, 2020IN : 5G SPECTRUM The results obtained have led the ANFR to propose a new wave exposure measurement indicator The Agence National des Fréquences (ANFR), published a detailed report on the exposure values measured during several 5G pilot deployments conducted in France. Ofcom released earlier in February 2020, a shorter report on the results...
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04/30/2020 (Auto translated from French) The National Frequency Agency (ANFR) sets up autonomous sensors to measure exposure in Marseille and Nantes in order to monitor its development, in particular in anticipation of the commercial opening of 5G in late 2020. In operation since the beginning of March , these sensors already show fluctuations in exposure between day and night, as...
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Two French associations announced that they have launched an appeal with the country’s supreme court (Conseil d’Etat) against the government’s green light for roll-out of 5G networks. Environmental group Agir and Priartem, an organisation campaigning on electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), are calling for an official assessment of the ecological impact and health risks associated with 5G,...
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(Auto translated from French) The deployment of the “5th generation” communication technology promises innovative services based on new infrastructure. These technological developments will modify the methods of exposure of the population, and will require adapting the measurement and evaluation methods. As part of the deployment of 5G planned for the end of the year in France, ANSES...
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Posted on November 20, 2019 – Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister) Tablets, connected watches, radio controlled toys … From 1 st  July 2020, the specific absorption rate (SAR) will be displayed on all radiofrequency radiation emitting devices that can be used near the human body (up to 20 centimeters ). To date, this display requirement...
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Original article in French https://www.anfr.fr/toutes-les-actualites/actualites/equipements-radioelectriques-laffichage-du-debit-dabsorption-specifique-das-sera-generalise/ 11/20/2019 New texts recently published in the Official Journal extend the obligation to inform the consumer of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) to all radio equipment. To improve public information and to take account of changing consumption patterns and the appearance of new devices that may expose consumers to radiation,...
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Dated on November 15, 2019. The Minister of Solidarities and Health, Agnès Buzyn The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire Source: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000039385174&categorieLien=id#JORFARTI000039385179
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