
Federal Law
Monday 26 April 2021 Swisscom, Sunrise UPC win legal battle over 5G moratorium in Geneva The constitutional chamber of the canton of Geneva has repealed the cantonal law imposing a moratorium on the expansion of 5G mobile networks, business news agency awp Finanznachrichten reports. The court found the law to be contrary to higher law....
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Source: https://www.wickedlocal.com/story/medford-transcript/2021/04/05/medford-officials-residents-opposed-5-g-despite-concerns-over-health/7066907002/ Neil Zolot / medford@wickedlocal.com Published April 5th, 2021 City officials are imposing some conditions on Verizon on installations of 5G telecommunications equipment on utility poles around the city, but will be required to approve the vast majority of the 44 applications, most of which are in Medford Square, South Medford and the Hillside...
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Despite resistance or cantonal moratoria, operators continue to activate their 5G antennas in Switzerland. But at the moment, few people have devices to receive the signal. Auto translated from https://www.lematin.ch/story/pres-de-3000-antennes-5g-activees-en-suisse-123577519701?fbclid=IwAR0r2981-2-9KUFQFkLNrcKGjqGzLuSKc084WqKCJhV7aYtu-cKj7XL_bfs 08/23/2020 by Eric Felley This is a figure that is climbing every week or so. The number of 5G antennas activated in Switzerland will soon reach 3000....
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