
IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUITNOS. 20-1025 AND 20-1138 Filed: 09/22/2020 Parties.Petitioners in Case No. 20-1025 are Environmental Health Trust, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, Elizabeth Barris, and Theodora Scarato. Petitioners in Case No. 20-1138 are Children’s Health Defense, Michele Hertz, Petra Brokken, Dr. David O. Carpenter, Dr. Toril...
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Source: https://washingtonspectator.org/regulators-steamroll-health-concerns-as-the-global-economy-embraces-5g/ By Joel Moskowitz, Sep 18, 2020 In a Washington Post op-ed (June 4), “5G conspiracy theories threaten the U.S. recovery,” Thomas Johnson Jr., the Federal Communications Commission’s general counsel, declared: “Conjectures about 5G’s effect on human health are long on panic and short on science.” Snippet: According to Johnson, “if we delay 5G deployment based...
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Berkeley Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance A federal judge says Berkeley cannot require cell-phone retailers to warn customers about possible radiation dangers from holding phones close to their bodies, a ruling based on the Federal Communications Commission’s assessment that the warnings are unneeded and would hurt business. Courts had previously rejected arguments that the...
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By INTELSAT CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS September 17, 2020 McLean, VA – Intelsat, operator of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial network, today announced it has finalized all of its required contracts with satellite manufacturers and launch-vehicle providers to move forward and meet the accelerated C-band spectrum clearing timelines established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) earlier this...
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By THERESA HITCHENS on September 11, 2020  WASHINGTON: The FCC’s controversial decision to let Ligado proceed with its 5G wireless network over fierce DoD objections is just one more example of the broken state of the US regime for managing spectrum, industry experts say. “There’s a lot of inefficiencies in the process. But it’s basically a fight,...
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Paul Sawers@psawers August 25, 2020 6:00 AM Kymeta, a company that develops satellite antennas and services to bring connectivity to any vehicle or vessel, has raised $85.2 million in a round of funding led by Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates. The raise comes as various high-profile companies are developing low earth orbit (LEO) satellite programs —...
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The FCC awards more than 20,000 licenses for midband 3.5GHz spectrum. Corinne Reichert The FCC netted almost $4.6 billion after auctioning off 5G spectrum to US carriers. The midband 3.5GHz spectrum will “further the deployment of 5G,” the FCC said Wednesday. More than 20,000 spectrum licenses were awarded, with the FCC to announce more details later this week.  Read...
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Michael O’Rielly served as FCC commissioner for six years. By Russell Brandom  Aug 3, 2020, 6:01pm EDT President Trump has withdrawn the nomination of FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly, a six-year FCC veteran who was expected by many to be renewed for a third term, as first reported by Reuters. The withdrawal comes less than a week after Sen. Jim...
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by Caleb Henry — July 30, 2020 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on July 30 approved Amazon’s request to operate a constellation of roughly 3,200 internet satellites in low Earth orbit.  The FCC said Amazon has until July 30, 2026 to launch at least 50% of its satellites in order to maintain its authorization, and until...
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Source: https://www.multichannel.com/news/utilities-sue-fcc-over-6-ghz-order#:~:text=The%20Utilities%20Technology%20Council%20has,the%20entire%206%20GHz%20band.&text=Electric%20utilities%2D%2Dand%20broadcast,from%20unlicensed%20broadband%20access%20devices. By JOHN EGGERTON The Utilities Technology Council has joined broadcasters in suing the FCC over its decision to allow unlicensed use in the entire 6 GHz band.  “The Federal Communications Commission acted unlawfully and against the public interest when it permitted a host of new users into a vital spectrum band that will...
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