
Source: https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/news/europe-launches-first-large-scale-6g-research-and-innovation-programme Publication 17 December 2021 This week the newly created Joint Undertaking on Smart Networks and Services towards 6G (SNS JU) adopted its first Work Programme 2021-2022 with an earmarked public funding of about € 240 million. The Work Programme 2021-2022 will fund activities ranging from 5G evolution including large-scale trials and pilots with vertical...
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The report found that only 7 out of 27 EU countries had assigned the 26 GHz band. This contrasts with mid-band spectrum which had been assigned in over two thirds of Member States .Source: https://5gobservatory.eu/26-ghz-holds-back-achievement-of-eu-5g-goals/
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Source: European Economic and Social Committee https://tinyurl.com/kw2p2ddv 22/10/2021 The October plenary of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted an opinion recognising the value of electronic communications infrastructure while highlighting the potential risks. The European Commission should move forward in the process of assessing the multi-sectoral impact of new 5G and 6G technologies. Tools...
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Bakardjieva Engelbrekt A, Leijon K, Michalski A, et al. What Does the Technological Shift Have in Store for the EU? Opportunities and Pitfalls for European Societies The European Union and the Technology Shift. 2021 Feb:1-25. Abstract This introductory chapter sheds light on the opportunities and challenges that the digital era has in store for the...
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Source: https://tinyurl.com/y2sz3mtz By Samuel Stolton | EURACTIV.com Nov 18, 2020 This article is part of our special report Recovering with connectivity: a choice for Europe. The European Commission has expressed concern that EU nations may fail to meet ‘legally-binding’ deadlines in the assignment of 5G frequency bands, further postponing the bloc’s development of next-generation telecommunications networks. Speaking at the...
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Source: http://interactive.satellitetoday.com/via/november-2020/africa-unites-its-diverse-and-rapidly-growing-space-industry/ November 2020 issue: JEFFREY HILL Africa’s space community leaders want the rest of the world to stop referring to the continent as a homogenous, “developing” market. They do not want to be seen as a singular entity waiting for global commercial satellite service providers to swoop in and bring economic prosperity to a...
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The Mayor of Potenza Picena, Noemi Tartabini, has issued a specific Ordinance which “prohibits anyone from testing or installing 5G on the territory of the Municipality of Potenza Picena.”  The measure applies the precautionary principle pending further scientific investigations on the impact of the new technology on public health. Source PICCHIO NEWS  Read more at the link: https://picchionews.it/attualita/potenza-picena-il-sindaco-tartabini-vieta-la-sperimentazione-o-installazione-del-5g?fbclid=IwAR2_RcADwNnQjrLsFRP9gcb08QDNfBP-UduxaW1pJ85deNF2CyWj7r5T-P4
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Authors: Lennart Hardell, Rainer Nyberg Published online on: January 22, 2020     https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2020.1984 Copyright: © Hardell et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License. Abstract Radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the frequency range of 30 kHz‑300 GHz is classified as a ‘possible’ human carcinogen, Group 2B, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) since 2011. The evidence...
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Written by Patrizia Toia on 5 December 2019 in Opinion About the author Patrizia Toia (IT, S&D) is vice chair of the Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy Committee. The coming of 5G seems to offer huge potential but realising this safely and effectively will require detailed investigation and careful planning. The diffusion of mobile telephony first and the...
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Source: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/cybersecurity/  Press release 3 December 2019 Today the Council adopted conclusions on the significance of 5G to the European economy and the need to mitigate security risks linked to 5G. The conclusions stress that 5G networks will form a part of crucial infrastructure for the maintenance of vital societal and economic functions. The conclusions also support...
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