
Source: Daily Maverick By Peter Fabricius • 15 June 2020 Senior American official says China is using Huawei to export its ‘surveillance state’. The US government has warned South Africa that it is risking the security of its most sensitive information and data by using the 5G telecoms infrastructure of the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.  The...
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Source: https://www.cpomagazine.com/cyber-security/new-survey-of-consumer-sentiments-reveals-sharp-demographic-divisions-in-5g-technology-acceptance/ Given that about 81% of Americans now own smartphones and that more than half will only access the internet via mobile connections by 2025, one might assume that 5G technology would be strongly supported and embraced in the United States. A new study of consumer sentiments paints a more complicated picture. Though there is widespread awareness of...
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