
14TH SEPTEMBER 2020 BY: TERENCE CREAMER CREAMER MEDIA EDITOR The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) has clarified that it is aiming to release bid documentation for the so-called fifth bid window (BW5) of the South Africa’s renewable-energy procurement programme in December, following receipt of the regulator’s concurrence with a Ministerial determination that clears the...
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Jamie McKane 18 August 2020 South Africa could be stuck with load-shedding until at least 2025 due to Eskom’s continued problems with generation capacity and inability to properly maintain its infrastructure. This is according to energy expert Ted Blom, who told MyBroadband that he concurs with the recent findings published by the CSIR regarding the...
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Source: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-08-13-proposal-for-turkish-company-to-anchor-floating-power-stations-off-sa-harbours-raises-alarm-bells/ By Tony Carnie 13 August 2020 Under cover of the Covid-19 crisis, government and private officials appear to be using legal loopholes to speed up a proposal by a Turkish company and local empowerment partners to sail a small armada of “floating power stations” into South African harbours. While the red flag has been...
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Bradley Prior 12 August 2020 South Africa should brace itself for exponential increases to load-shedding until 2022. This is according to research conducted by Dr Jarrad Wright and Joanne Calitz of the CSIR, who were presenting their findings in a presentation entitled “Setting up for the 2020s: Addressing South Africa’s electricity crisis and getting ready...
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A legacy of deferred maintenance, mismanagement, and massive debt for underperforming power plants built by South African utility Eskom may be tough to overcome 04 Aug 2020 By David Wagman Optimists look to the future of Eskom, South Africa’s electric utility, and see a glass half full. Pessimists see a glass nearly empty. The optimists look to...
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