
Environmental Illness
Source https://the1a.org/segments/the-invisibility-of-environmental-illness/?fbclid=IwAR0_-qnsyI7481SDoMbPp4epZ7KJ0rL0YryM4gvDUbQnLL7_6JJNjluatXQ What if you were only able to leave a room once a year? People with environmental illnesses suffer from extreme sensitivities to chemicals. And the medical community has been slow to recognize something from which millions of Americans suffer. What is known about these mysterious illnesses? And what support is available for people...
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Image: The colourfulness stands for the neurodiversity of people and the multiple coloured threads per strand, for the various different characteristics of an individual. The tightness of the knot indicates that we want to bring everyone together, for exchange and for common cohesion, and at the same time give space to each person and their...
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Dr. Lisa Nagy,Government Liaison for the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, discusses the illnesses she herself experienced from environmental toxins including EMFs, the patients she sees today, as well as treatments that all medical practitioners should be trained on.
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Gibson Pamela Reed. Ecopsychology. June 2016, 8(2): 131-137. doi:10.1089/eco.2016.0003. Published in Volume: 8 Issue 2: June 27, 2016 http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/eco.2016.0003 Abstract This paper constructs persons with environmental sensitivities as comprising a hidden, marginalized group in technological culture that is paying a large price for our industrialized lifestyle. Due to the polluted nature of most public venues,...
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A letter by Dr Andrew Tressider, January 2017 To my Medical Colleagues, GPs, Psychiatrists, Neurologists and others: Electrosensitivity – an Environmental illness, an Authentic Diagnosis, not a Delusional Disorder Summary: Electrosensitivity is the symptomatic sensitivity to Electric or Magnetic Fields of any frequency, including RadioFrequency (RF or Microwave) transmissions. As a symptomatic condition, it is...
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