
  Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/646172/EPRS_BRI(2020)646172_EN.pdf © European Union, 2020.  
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Source Published 3/6/2020 Opinion Sitra is grateful for the opportunity to comment on the auction of the 26 GHz band. Climate change and biodiversity loss are progressing at an alarming rate. For example, the Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published in October 2018, highlighted the exceptional gravity of the situation. Limiting global...
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Authors: Lennart Hardell, Rainer Nyberg Published online on: January 22, 2020     https://doi.org/10.3892/mco.2020.1984 Copyright: © Hardell et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License. Abstract Radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the frequency range of 30 kHz‑300 GHz is classified as a ‘possible’ human carcinogen, Group 2B, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) since 2011. The evidence...
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Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(18), 3406; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16183406 Abstract The introduction of the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication will increase the number of high-frequency-powered base stations and other devices. The question is if such higher frequencies (in this review, 6–100 GHz, millimeter waves, MMW) can have a health impact. This review analyzed 94 relevant publications...
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Source: https://www.ptreyeslight.com/article/health-impacts-cell-towers?fbclid=IwAR1dRewXihlJ4wlAtfjN4ZLPwO7CNRUXpU2iaz2CaAwXmp21737sBnC421w Cindy Russell, a plastic surgeon practicing in Mountain View, is the executive director of Physicians for Safe Technology. For more information, visit MDSafeTech.org.
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Crawford, Kate, Roel Dobbe, Theodora Dryer, Genevieve Fried, Ben Green, Elizabeth Kaziunas, Amba Kak, Varoon Mathur, Erin McElroy, Andrea Nill Sánchez, Deborah Raji, Joy Lisi Rankin, Rashida Richardson, Jason Schultz, Sarah Myers West, and Meredith Whittaker. AI Now 2019 Report . New York: AI Now Institute, 2019, https://ainowinstitute.org/AI_Now_2019_Report.html . Extract: 2.4 AI and the Climate...
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Sustainability 2019, 11(14), 3989; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11143989 Abstract Light pollution is a serious environmental issue with many adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem as a whole. Accordingly, many countries have issued laws and regulations to limit the effects of artificial lighting at night (ALAN). The Republic of Korea and China are among the few countries that have drafted...
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  Listen at this link: https://www.planetaudio.org.nz/listen/green-planet/considering-5g/575417?fbclid=IwAR090BUC9XlMrsHCBJqfSlUOCKNAfDevdvTJ5Aj-YZ0vXKCVbaL0pS1Chlk    
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Source: http://www.cambrian-news.co.uk/article.cfm?id=131288&headline=Town+council+takes+stand+against+5G&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2019&fbclid=IwAR2eCho3Xf7yMDGpsg0qlPO1cNoCCO4E_QF4plyNM3B44DWHmqppPCtoC4Y Lampeter Town Council has agreed to ‘draw a line in the sand’ and refuse to endorse the rollout of 5G technology pending more scientific research on any potential harmful effects. A motion brought before members by Cllr Gary Thorogood – stating they had “a moral responsibility to protect public health and the local...
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