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In French: Cahier de la recherche n°20: “Radiofrequencies and health – Understanding where research stands (PDF)  Machine Translated by Google: https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/22-11-ED-Cahiers-de-la-recherche_20-2.pdf ANSES – Research Papers No 20 – Health, Environment, Labor – November 2022 Radiofrequencies and Health: Understand where the research stands May 2021-November 2022 ANSES and the health effects of radiofrequencies (translated) Development of communications...
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Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash The intentions are good: help save the planet by reducing energy consumption from streetlights. Claims also include the reduction of light pollution. However, there could be unintended consequences associated with energy saving LED streetlights. Artificial Light at Night (ALAN), Light Pollution and Circadian Disruption: In many cases these new...
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GA/124372 8 JULY 2022 With 161 Votes in Favour, 8 Abstentions, General Assembly Adopts Landmark Resolution Recognizing Clean, Healthy, Sustainable Environment as Human Right With 161 votes in favour and 8 abstentions, the General Assembly adopted a landmark resolution today recognizing the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right and...
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Link to the report: https://bit.ly/3HkQ4vh Report chaired and presented by: James C Lech Committee members 2022: page 43-44 of the report Timestamps: 0:00 Change the environment 2:28 Change to photon flux model 2:50 Change the light then RF part easier to deal with 5:07 Misinterpretation of guidelines 7:57 Energy flux model thinking 8:48 Satellites 10:46...
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Environmental Impacts of Artificial Light at Night Kevin J. Gaston and Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel Annual Review of Environment and Resources 2022 47:1 Annual Review of Environment and Resources Vol. 47:- (Volume publication date October 2022)Review in Advance first posted online on June 15, 2022. (Changes may still occur before final publication.)https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-environ-112420-014438 Abstract The nighttime is undergoing unprecedented change...
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About this consultation Consultation period: 17 March 2022 – 09 June 2022  (midnight Brussels time) Topic: Environment Target audience The consultation activities will target the following: the general public;research and academia in relevant areas (e.g. pollinators and pollination, agronomy, ecotoxicology, ecology);NGOs dealing with environmental protection;farmers, foresters and other land managers;beekeepers;farm advisers;urban development and spatial planning experts;businesses...
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Source: https://www.science.org/content/article/satellite-swarms-are-threatening-night-sky-creating-new-zone-environmental-conflict 7 OCT 2021 BY JOSHUA SOKOL On 19 December 2019, Tony Tyson, an experimental physicist at the University of California (UC), Davis, joined a conference call with billionaire Elon Musk that helped shape the fate of starry nights on Earth. The call was cordial but tense. Seven months earlier, Musk’s company SpaceX had...
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Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna, part 1. Rising ambient EMF levels in the environmentB. Blake Levitt, Henry C. Lai, Albert M. Manville. Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna, part 1. Rising ambient EMF levels in the environment.  Rev Environ Health. 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2021-0026 Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic...
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