
Summary. In this review we discuss alarming epidemiological and experimental data on possible carcinogenic effects of long term exposure to low intensity microwave (MW) radiation. Recently, a number of reports revealed that under certain conditions the irradiation by low intensity MW can substantially induce cancer progression in humans and in animal models. The carcinogenic effect...
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by J. C. Lech, December 2017 A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTERS OF SCIENCE of RHODES UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT Scientific views on EMF radiation dosimetry and models increasingly suggest that even a tiny increase in the incidence of diseases resulting from exposure to EMF radiation could have broad (1) implications for public...
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Abstract: The molecular basis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) still remains obscure and little is known about the specific gene-environment interactions that may increase the prevalence of the disorder. There has been a lot of controversy in the past regarding the association of thimerosal, a mercury (Hg)-containing preservative in vaccines, and the increased probability of...
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Dr. Lisa Nagy,Government Liaison for the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, discusses the illnesses she herself experienced from environmental toxins including EMFs, the patients she sees today, as well as treatments that all medical practitioners should be trained on.
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Professor Olle Johansson: Last week I watched a very interesting TV interview with the former WHO head and former prime minister of Norway, med. dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, who described her increasing sensitivity to sunlight (= polymorphous light eruption; solar eczema; see a recent article (in Norwegian):  http://www.side2.no/aktuelt/ukjent-lidelse-gro-kan-ikke-ga-ut-om-dagen/3423298155.html  She nowadays have to stay indoors behind...
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On November 11, 2017, Medical Associations in Cyprus and Austria issued a new position paper calling for an updated policy to protect the public from electromagnetic radiation emissions from cell phones and other wireless devices: The Problem: Please note the following included in the recommendations section: Nicosia 2017 Declaration Position Paper on Electromagnetic Radiation and...
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Lecture by Olle Johansson “Electromagnetic Fields and their adverse affects on our health” at the presentation session of The Madrid International Scientific Declaration on Electromagnetic Fields and Health Effects, September 28, 2017, at the Royal Academia Nacional de Medicina (Madrid):      
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The consequences of “smart”phones & meters by Katie Singer  *  http://www.electronicsilentspring.com/ October, 2017’s Electronic Silent Spring Newsletter: It reports on rarely reported consequences of smart phones and smart meters: 1. Depletion of natural resources 2. Addiction 3. Loss of democracy and liability 4. Fire 5. Death by distraction 6. Brain tumors   An Electronic Silent...
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The integrated antennas of your Speedport send and receive radio signals for the provision of your WLAN (wireless network). Avoid setting up your Speedport in the immediate vicinity of sleeping, children’s rooms and lounges in order to keep the exposure to electromagnetic fields as low as possible. Telekom Deutschland 9,2, 2017 kurzbedienungsanleitung-speedport-smart Thanks to Professor...
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Irradiated: A Comprehensive Compilation and Analysis of the Literature on Radiofrequency Fields and the Negative Biological Impacts of Non- ionizing  Electromagnetic Fields (particularly radiofrequency fields) on Biological Organisms.   To download the electronic version of this publication, click below: Irradiated Further Resources You may also download a ready-to-print PDF containing many of the documents used...
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