
Altun G, Deniz OG, Yurt KK, Davis D, Kaplan S. Effects of mobile phone exposure on metabolomics in the male and female reproductive systems. Environmental Research. Available online 5 June 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2018.02.031 Highlights • Long-term exposure to EMF decreases sperm motility and fertilization. • Effects of EMF emitted from mobile phones are related to protein...
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Ahmad Yahyazadeha, Ömür Gülsüm Deniza, Arife Ahsen Kaplana, Gamze Altuna, Kıymet Kübra Yurta, Devra Davis https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2018.05.017 Highlights Electromagnetic fields (EMF) causes an imbalance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant mechanisms. EMF increases reactive oxygen species production. Exposure to EMF leads to disruptions in spermatogenic cells. Exposure to GSM-modulated EMF causes an increase in superoxide formation levels in...
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AUTHOR: Riaan van Zyl, Journalist https://roodepoortrecord.co.za/2018/05/24/are-smart-meters-harmful-to-your-health/ May 24, 2018 RFR could lead to cancer and other ailments. Since the controversial introduction of smart meters in the City of Johannesburg in 2015, many residents have complained of incorrect readings and meters running, even when the power is out. But that said, could there be a darker...
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Peter Sullivan from Clear Light Ventures published an updated list of all the published papers on autism and EMF. http://www.clearlightventures.com/blog/2014/12/18/autism-and-emf-published-papers-2004-2014
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CHE Webinar Video: Slides: Dr. Frank Barnes: Weak Magnetic and RF Fields Dr. De-Kun Li: Adverse Fetal and Childhood Health Effect of In-Utero Exposure to Magnetic Fields Non-ionizing Radiation Dr. Joel Moskowitz: Cell Phones and Public Health Policy Resources: Dr. Frank Barnes: Barnes, Frank S and Greenebaum, Ben. Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields: Bioengineering and...
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Date:     Between May 8 – 10 (possibly May 11) Where: Montreal Court House Superior Court class action cumulative EMF effects lawsuit’s trial- Mahons and Durand vs. Attorney General Canada, Attorney General Quebec and Hydro Quebec et als. concerning the cumulative effects of EMF. Case number: Case # 500-06-000760-153 Background: In 2015 a Québec resident decided to...
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                         A workshop was held (16-19 th October 2017) at the South African Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. The workshop deliberated the non-native electromagnetic field (nnEMF) study* by James Lech which demonstrates a public interest override function of ‘substances released into the environment’ and ‘public safety or environmental risk’. The DoJCD review...
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Paknahad, M., Mortazavi, S.M.J., Shahidi, S. et al. Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations. J Environ Health Sci Engineer 14, 12 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40201-016-0253-z Abstract Background Dental amalgam is composed of approximately 50% elemental mercury. Despite concerns over the toxicity of mercury, amalgam is still the most widely used restorative material. Wi-Fi is a rapidly using...
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May 9, 2018 2:00 pm US Eastern Time  https://www.healthandenvironment.org/webinars/96433 As wireless technologies, particularly cellphones, become ever more ubiquitous in our culture and communication systems, researchers have been asking the question: what, if any, impact is there from this technology on our health? Research has been conducted investigating links with cancer, reproductive health, fetal development, children’s...
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This is the streamed version in the original languages (Danish/English). Be sure to listen to Olle Johansson’s speech in English (6.07-22.09) and Lennart Hardell (English – 38.38-54.30) who spoke about brain cancers and acoustic neuromas, and mentioned ANFR’s test results on mobile phones showing high SAR levels when in contact with the skin. Also present,...
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