
Credit for this post: Electromagnetic Radiation Safety To see abstracts for the most recent papers (or to download the 770-page document) go to:  Recent Papers Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 5G Wireless: Capabilities and Challenges for an Evolving Network (U.S. Government Accountability Office Health Council of the Netherlands Advisory...
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Science of The Total Environment Volume 642, 15 November 2018, Pages 1406-1414 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.142 Highlights •A meta-analysis identified 22 studies on parental occupational ELF-MF exposure and risk of childhood nervous system tumors. •Parental occupational ELF-MF exposure was associated with increased risk of childhood CNS tumors but not neuroblastoma. •Maternal but not paternal occupational ELF-MF exposure significantly increased...
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Jalilian, H., Najafi, K., Khosravi, Y., & Röösli, M. (2020). Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and electric shocks: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Reviews on Environmental Health (published online ahead of print 2020), 000010151520200041. doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2020-0041 The authors:” The findings indicate that occupational exposure to ELF-MF, but not electric shocks, might be...
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Review Omer Dasdag, Nur Adalier & Suleyman Dasdag (2020) Electromagnetic radiation and Alzheimer’s disease, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 34:1, 1087-1094, DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2020.1820378 Abstract This study aims to explore whether there is a relationship between different electromagnetic radiations, such as extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF), radiofrequency (RF) radiation and ionizing radiation, and Alzheimer’s disease. Resources related to the subject were scanned and 46...
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Journal of Occupational HealthVolume 62, Issue 1 Majid Bagheri Hosseinabadi, Narges Khanjani, Mohammad Hossein Ebrahimi, Seyed Habib Mousavi, Fereshteh Nazarkhani First published: 25 July 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/1348-9585.12136 Abstract Objectives This study was designed to investigate the possible effect of exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF‐EMFs) on occupational burnout syndrome and the severity of depression...
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Credit for slide:  Dr Erica Mallery Blythe, London 5G Conference, EM Radiation Research Trust
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Andrea Vornoli – Can Wireless Communications Damage Your Health
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Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 2019;47(4):323-347. doi: 10.1615/CritRevBiomedEng.2019030211 Abstract Previous studies suggest that extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) may impact human health. However, epidemiologic studies have provided inconsistent results on the association between exposure to ELF EMFs and various health outcomes. This scoping review reports on primary investigations that were published during the ten-year...
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Chronobiol Int. 2019 Nov 4:1-8. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2019.1683857. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract Chromogranin A (CgA), which is a major protein in adrenal chromaffin cells and adrenergic neurons, is a clinically relevant endocrine and neuroendocrine tumor marker including pheochromocytomas, neuroblastomas, and related neurogenic tumors. In this study, we looked at the effect in humans of chronic daily...
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PLoS One. 2019 Oct 10;14(10):e0223614. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223614. eCollection 2019 Abstract Honey bees, Apis mellifera, are a globally significant pollinator species and are currently in decline, with losses attributed to an array of interacting environmental stressors. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF EMFs) are a lesser-known abiotic environmental factor that are emitted from a variety of anthropogenic...
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