
International Week of Electrosensitivity This year there is a call for a whole International Week of Electrosensitivity, so that more people get the opportunity to plan events and become visible. Join actions during the whole week around June 16th to increase the visibility of electrosensitive people worldwide: preparing activities with yellow chairs, yellow balloons, yellow...
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Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash Topic: Electrohypersensitives may face many challenges when having to deal with the medical establishment and/or employers. We provide tips on how to efficiently handle these situations. When: Sunday the 27th of March Time:  3:00pm (GMT+02:00) Central Africa Time  The webinar link is available to our members at : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EMFSA/emfsa-march-2022-webinar-link
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Mary Redmayne & Siobhan Reddel (2021) Redefining electrosensitivity: A new literature-supported model, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/15368378.2021.1874971 ABSTRACT In critically examining literature on electrohypersensitivity and the reported somatic responses to anthropogenic modulated radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure, it becomes apparent that electrohypersensitivity is one part of a range of consequences. Current evidence on the necessity of considering patients’ overall health...
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Is radiation the asbestos of the 21st century? is a documentary that investigates the effects of cellular and wifi radiation on the body. The main character is the Electro Hypersensitive (EHS) Dennis Rietbergen. EHS patients are hypersensitive to electricity and radiation. We follow Dennis in his search for answers to questions like: How bad is...
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Credit for this post: Dutch article by Florien van Rees,photo series Koen Verheijden 14-01-18 published in AD (Algemeen Dagblad) Link to the article https://www.ad.nl/binnenlnd/ziek-van-straling%7Ea9f1f801/ Translation by the authors of this site: Those with electrohypersensitivity are often misunderstood and accused of being crazy. These are the people who are getting sick from cell towers and wi-fi....
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This post has been updated to reflect the latest science: Is your child presenting with unexplained medical issues? Spent a fortune on medical consultations and supplements? Stickers and crystals not doing the trick? Make sure to read and understand: https://www.emfsa.co.za/ehs-research-update-june-2021/ PDF https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/World_Health_Organization_International.pdf Explanatory videos available on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EMFSA Two courses on offer by a top university: Light,...
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 1990 -2017 Henry Lai’s Research Summaries Invaluable sets of abstracts (data-based to be searchable) covering the RFR scientific literature, as well as collections of scientific abstracts on oxidative effects (from both RFR and ELF), and a set specific to Electrohypersensitivity. New comet assay abstracts for RFR and ELF were added in 2017. 1. RFR Research...
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Physicians For Safe Technology We encourage practicing physicians to evaluate carefully any concerns a patient may have about whether presenting symptoms are being caused by EMF exposures (and/or other environmental issues).  In particular, a physician is in a unique position to educate and support a patient to use a blinded approach—not unlike that employed by...
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 30th November 2017 The case has been won by the STERM Intersindical Union, which for years has supported and advised an affected member with its legal services. A court in Murcia has acknowledged  permanent work incapacity due to the syndrome of electromagnetic hypersensitivity and chemical sensitivity.The ruling was awarded to an employee of a university in...
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Dr. Lisa Nagy,Government Liaison for the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, discusses the illnesses she herself experienced from environmental toxins including EMFs, the patients she sees today, as well as treatments that all medical practitioners should be trained on.
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