
Electric Vehicles
Abstract The electromagnetic field (EMF) in electric vehicles (EVs) affects not only drivers, but also passengers (using EVs daily) and electronic devices inside. This article summarizes the measurement methods applicable in studies of complex EMF in EVs focused on the evaluation of characteristics of such exposure to EVs users and drivers, together with the results...
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Source: https://blogs.imf.org/2021/11/10/soaring-metal-prices-may-delay-energy-transition/ NOVEMBER 10, 2021 By Lukas Boer, Andrea Pescatori , Martin Stuermer and Nico Valckx Clean energy needs may cause years of high prices for copper, nickel, cobalt, and lithium under a net-zero emissions scenario. The world’s historic pivot toward curbing carbon emissions is likely to spur unprecedented demand for some of the most crucial metals used to generate and...
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Source: Utility Dive https://www.utilitydive.com/news/residential-electric-panels-represent-a-nearly-100b-roadblock-to-full-el/605829/ Published Aug. 31, 2021 By Robert Walton Dive Brief: Electric panels in up to 48 million U.S. single-family homes will need to be upgraded to fully transition away from fossil fuels and use electricity for space and water heating, cooking, vehicle charging and other applications, according to new research from residential electricity research...
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Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/science-environment-56678976?fbclid=IwAR1SMNpitR5SZF6-O6nN5oBSaU5mLsk3UEefJ2CqYnR12q08ael8frnROnE As the world begins to move away from petrol and diesel-power cars, there are questions over how the metals needed for batteries in electric vehicles will be sourced. One possibility is to mine the deep ocean floor. A number of companies are lining up to exploit the minerals found there, but campaigners warn...
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From the author of ‘Towards Better Health’   http://mieuxprevenir.blogspot.co.za/2018/02/rare-metals-electric-vehicle-generates.html Rare metals: « An electric vehicle generates nearly as much carbon as diesel » by Marine Ernoult, liberation.fr, 1 February 2018  (translation) Interview with Guillaume Pitron In his latest work, « La Guerre des métaux rares » (The War of Rare Metals), Guillaume Pitron denounces the «...
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