
The latest additions: https://www.saferemr.com/2019/07/recent-research.html Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Central nervous system lymphoma and radiofrequency radiation – A case report and incidence data in the Swedish Cancer Register on non-Hodgkin lymphoma Difference of ICNIRP Guidelines and IEEE C95.1 Standard for Human Protection from Radio-Frequency Exposures Human Electromagnetic Field Exposure...
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Our October 2020 Newsletter is available at: https://mailchi.mp/b00984f500d1/emfsa-october-2020-newsletter Image: Sunil Bhat on Unsplash.com www.emfsa.co.za
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At the ITU Regional Forum for Europe on October 23rd, 2020, Rodney Croft, ICNIRP Chair, included the following slide in his presentation: Image: Rodney Croft ICNIRP Chair Link to Croft’s presentation: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Regional-Presence/Europe/Documents/Events/2020/5G_EUR_CIS/Session%205_%20Rodney%20Croft%20-CROFT%20ITU%2023rd%20Oct%202020.pdf To mock those with electrohypersensitivity in this way, by including the “Better Call Saul” image is, in our opinion, cruel, disrespectful and insensitive....
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Image: Robina Weermeijer Unsplash.com •What is the context of these MRI biomarkers and the relationship with other biomarkers? •Could these biomarkers be helpful for those with EHS/MCS? The studies below will be discussed in our webinar: •Yang, L., Zhang, C., Chen, Z. et al. Functional and network analyses of human exposure to long-term evolution signal. Environ Sci...
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Yang, L., Zhang, C., Chen, Z. et al. Functional and network analyses of human exposure to long-term evolution signal. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-10728-w Abstract: Human exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by wireless communication systems has raised public concerns. There were claims of the potential association of some neurophysiological disorders with the exposure, but the mechanism is yet...
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Source: https://seriouslysensitivetopollution.org/2020/08/18/canadian-petition-for-people-with-chemical-and-environmental-sensitivities/ Dear everyone, if you are Canadian, please sign this petition, and no matter where you are, please share this with all the Canadians you know! e-2729  Petition to the Government of Canada Whereas: We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to: 1. Create an international classification of disease...
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Source https://the1a.org/segments/the-invisibility-of-environmental-illness/?fbclid=IwAR0_-qnsyI7481SDoMbPp4epZ7KJ0rL0YryM4gvDUbQnLL7_6JJNjluatXQ What if you were only able to leave a room once a year? People with environmental illnesses suffer from extreme sensitivities to chemicals. And the medical community has been slow to recognize something from which millions of Americans suffer. What is known about these mysterious illnesses? And what support is available for people...
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In March 2020 the Governor of Alabama proclaimed May 2020 as MCS and EHS Month. https://governor.alabama.gov/assets/2020/07/Multiple-Chemical-Sensitivity-Month.pdf https://governor.alabama.gov/assets/2020/07/Electromagnetic-Sensitivity-Month.pdf
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Greco, F. Technical Assessment of Ultrasonic Cerebral Tomosphygmography and New Scientific Evaluation of Its Clinical Interest for the Diagnosis of Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Diagnostics 2020, 10, 427. Ultrasonic cerebral tomosphygmography (UCTS), also known as “encephaloscan”, is an ultrasound-based pulsatile echoencephalography for both functional and anatomical brain imaging investigations. Compared to classical imaging, UCTS makes it possible...
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Image: The colourfulness stands for the neurodiversity of people and the multiple coloured threads per strand, for the various different characteristics of an individual. The tightness of the knot indicates that we want to bring everyone together, for exchange and for common cohesion, and at the same time give space to each person and their...
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