
The latest ES-UK newsletter (Summer 2018) is now available: ES-UK-Newsletter-Summer-2018-vol.16-no.2(1) 
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Image: Martine Vriens 24th September, 2018 Martine Vriens: Legal advice and guidance for EHS https://www.martinevriens.com/2018/09/24/succesvolle-praktijkvoorbeelden-op-grond-van-de-wmo/ *This article was translated from Dutch and is used with permission of the author. Successful practical examples based on the “Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning” (WMO)/ Social Support Act: This is a sequel to my earlier contribution of June 2015. In this...
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Environ Int. 2018 Sep 15;121(Pt 1):297-307. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.064. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract Background Everyday exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted from wireless devices such as mobile phones and base stations, radio and television transmitters is ubiquitous. Some people attribute non-specific physical symptoms (NSPS) such as headache and fatigue to exposure to RF-EMF. Most...
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Electro-sensitivity, or EHS, is a biologically correct response to an environmental pollutant.
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Int J Mol Med. 2018 Jul 12. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2018.3774. [Epub ahead of print] Irigaray P1, Caccamo D2, Belpomme D1. Abstract A total of 32 electrohypersensitivity (EHS) self‑reporting patients were serially included in the present prospective study for oxidative stress and antioxidative stress response assessment. All thiobarbituric acid‑reactive substances (TBARs) were measured in the plasma, particularly...
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Dr Mary Redmayne, Adjunct Research Fellow,School of Public Health & Preventive Med Monash University: An introduction to Electrohypersensitivity and a suggested new approach. Presented at the World Congress on Public Health, 2017, Melbourne, Australia.    
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Glastonbury Symposium Published on Jul 2, 2018 In this presentation, campaigner and ex-company CEO Brian Stein raises awareness about the dangers of electromagnetic pollution, and says: “I was a regular and heavy mobile phone user until 2000 when I became severely electrically hypersensitive, or ‘electrosensitive’. Assuming I was a freak, I kept this fact from...
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BY JOHN MURAWSKI jmurawski@newsobserver.com June 26, 2018 12:50 AM Excerpts: North Carolina will start offering an unusual escape clause for the thousands of North Carolina residents who complain that Duke Energy’s two-way communication utility meters give them headaches, ear-ringing and a case of the “brain fog.” Residents who say they suffer from acute sensitivity to...
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Magda Havas  is an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources at the  University of Trent, Canada.  
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Cell towers are a big concern for residents of South Africa. Especially with there being no regulation or monitoring on their radiation emissions, transmitters being illegally erected and public participation bypassed or steamrolled. Part of my thesis (available on jameslech.co.za) was the legislative qualification of a public interest override The function of ‘substances released into...
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