
Sticky Post
Link to our Jan 2024 Newsletter https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/tinnitus-hearing-loss-gaming-disruptive-light Excerpt: Noise induced hearing loss: unlike bird and amphibian hair cells, human hair cells don’t grow back. They are gone for good. Ref. https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/noise-induced-hearing-loss Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash
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Link to the May 2023 newsletter https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/ergonomics-children-adolescents-mental-health-ehs-mcs
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Photo by OC Gonzalez on Unsplash For readers new to the topic: EHS: Electrohypersensitivity EMFIS: Electromagnetic Field Intolerance Syndrome “With increasing electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), various health disorders are prevalent among people using smart wireless devices for a prolonged time.” Our comment on the above quote: The impression is often given that it is only radiofrequency...
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Source: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/62f3997ed3bf7f5c11330ea3/ua-2022-000328-hs__002_.pdf THE UPPER TRIBUNAL(ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS CHAMBER)UPPER TRIBUNAL CASE NO: UA-2022-000328-HS[2022] UKUT 193 (AAC)EAM V EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCILDecided following an oral hearing on 11 July 2022 The decision is: the local authority must secure that an EHC plan is prepared andmaintained for the child. Excerpt: H. The child is disabled I. The provision of...
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Source: Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) Press Release: https://phiremedical.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Press-Release-EHS-Social-Worker-granted-long-term-ill-health-pension-UK-Named.pdf
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International Week of Electrosensitivity This year there is a call for a whole International Week of Electrosensitivity, so that more people get the opportunity to plan events and become visible. Join actions during the whole week around June 16th to increase the visibility of electrosensitive people worldwide: preparing activities with yellow chairs, yellow balloons, yellow...
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The video of our Cold Thermogenesis webinar is now available for members: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EMFSA/posts Background: https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/ehs-inflammation-depression-autoimmunity-cancer-diabetes Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash
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Feel free to send us questions beforehand. Topic: Cold Thermogenesis When: Sun May 15, 2022 3pm – 4pm (SAST) Link to webinar: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EMFSA/emfsa-webinar-may-2022-cold-thermogenesis Background: https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/ehs-inflammation-depression-autoimmunity-cancer-diabetes Photo by Luca Micheli on Unsplash
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Light, Water and Magnetism Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash How can we help ourselves with pragmatic, cost effective strategies? Read our April 2022 newsletter at: https://mailchi.mp/emfsa/ehs-inflammation-depression-autoimmunity-cancer-diabetes For those that struggle with screens, a pdf is available upon request.
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The Finnish Electrosensitivity Foundation has awarded Dariusz Leszczynski with a grant to study EHS.  the more volunteers participate in the project, the more robust and reliable conclusions on EHS can be made. Read more at: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2022/04/11/grant-awarded-leszczynskis-ehs-project-has-started-and-is-looking-for-additional-volunteers/
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