
How do you get 35 new technologies into combat units without overwhelming them? Army Futures Command, Forces Command, Materiel Command, and other HQs are trying to figure that out. By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. on March 15 2021 Source https://breakingdefense.com/2021/03/rearrm-army-holds-modernization-rehearsals/ WASHINGTON: Officials from across the Army are thrashing out how to field a host of...
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Source: Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2021/03/08/the-pentagon-wants-to-arm-drones-with-non-lethal-lasers-and-microwave-cannon/?sh=29e1bd8f1727 Mar 8, 2021 Michael Peck The U.S. military wants to arm small drones and manned vehicles with non-lethal weapons. These devices would include exotic non-lethal gear, including directed energy weapons such as low-powered lasers and microwave beams, as well as more familiar weapons such as stun grenades and stink bombs. These weapons...
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New technologies and organizations will give soldiers an edge, Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe said, but tanks and foot troops will still face brutal close combat. Source: https://breakingdefense.com/2020/11/army-wants-smaller-brigades-stronger-divisions-lots-of-robots/ By  SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR.on November 06, 2020 WASHINGTON: The Army wants the first casualty of the next war to be a robot, not a human being. But no...
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Source: https://tinyurl.com/yyp4h72g Rory Cellan-JonesTechnology correspondent@BBCRoryCJon Twitter Plans to beam 5G signals to the public via drones that stay airborne for nine days at a time have been announced by two UK firms. They want to use antenna-equipped aircraft powered by hydrogen to deliver high-speed connectivity to wide areas. Stratospheric Platforms and Cambridge Consultants say they...
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 David Rose, University of Reading and Charlotte-Anne Chivers, University of Gloucestershire Depending on who you listen to, artificial intelligence may either free us from monotonous labour and unleash huge productivity gains, or create a dystopia of mass unemployment and automated oppression. In the case of farming, some researchers, business people and politicians think the effects...
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Article by Molly Callahan November 15, 2019 Snippet: In 2018, a Russian state-run news agency announced that Russian forces had deployed a remote-controlled robotic tank to Syria. Despite all this, Haner and Garcia found that there is little oversight or regulation when it comes to developing autonomous weapons, and even less public discourse about it. “These things are happening...
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