
Dr Marc Arazi
Excerpts from an exchange between Dr Marc Arazi who raised the alarm on the Phonegate scandal and Sam Roe, American journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner, as part of an interview for the 66 minutes program on M6. The book (currently available in French only) : https://bit.ly/3fBqEf1
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Re posted from : Posted on October 29, 2019 As already presented the present SAR for mobile phones is based on a distance of 5 mm between the phone and body (skin). The real situation for most persons is no distance (0 mm). According to Microwave News the French government asks for new SAR measurements based on real-life...
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Press Conference of October 1st, 2019 European Parliament Image credit https://www.phonegatealert.org 2 Oct 2019 We would like to thank MEPs Philippe Lamberts, Michèle Rivasi and Klaus Buchner of the Greens/EFA for this remarkable event organised on 1 October 2019 at the European Parliament. This allowed our President to launch an alert to the European authorities asking them...
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Source: https://www.phonegatealert.org/en/international-phonegate-scandal-all-overexposed-all-deceived-all-endangered-by-our-mobile-phones?fbclid=IwAR2bVmh4odQOaP34z41sQH8OoL6c5vyKmujoJo6asrcM3Ux4k8_i7i5N9kM The medical conference held on Saturday 8 June 2019 provided the first opportunity to discuss in England about the Phonegate case and its industrial and health consequences. We would like to warmly thank Dr. Erica Mallery Blythe, President of PHYRE, for her invitation and support that made this event possible in the UK. It was...
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