
Dr Christopher J Portier
Source: Microwave News https://microwavenews.com/papers/chris-portier-rf-evaluation Excerpt April 1, 2021 Defense Seeks To Bar Portier Testimony As expected, defense lawyers have asked the DC court to not allow Christopher Portier to be an expert witness in this case. In a filing yesterday, the team representing the cell phone industry, argued that, “[A]llowing a new expert four months before the...
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Source: This is Big News from USA: Yet another expert considers RF as probably carcinogenic Posted on March 15th, 2021 Dariusz Leszczynski: I have written, on several occasions, about the differences between ICNIRP opinions and opinions of ICNIRP members when placed in non-ICNIRP scientific committees. There is something wrong with ICNIRP, that operates in detachment from...
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