
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s clearinghouse on artificial intelligence is set to deliver a new tool to special operators to conduct psychological operations in near-real time in the information environment. The tool, called Entropy, is meant to reduce the cognitive burden on personnel performing military information support operations, an official said during a virtual presentation on...
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By THERESA HITCHENS on September 11, 2020  WASHINGTON: The FCC’s controversial decision to let Ligado proceed with its 5G wireless network over fierce DoD objections is just one more example of the broken state of the US regime for managing spectrum, industry experts say. “There’s a lot of inefficiencies in the process. But it’s basically a fight,...
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By THERESA HITCHENS on August 28, 2020 At the moment, industry sources say, there is no money to be had for developing systems for DoD’s cislunar operations. WASHINGTON: The possibility of future military activity around the Moon is en vogue in the national security space community, with a plethora of seminars featuring senior Space Force, Air Force and DoD...
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“ABMS is about taking the concept of the OODA Loop and transcending it from something that people do to something that machines do,” says Will Roper, AF acquisition czar. By THERESA HITCHENS on August 25, 2020 WASHINGTON: The next demonstration of the Air Force’s top-priority Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) will be much larger in scale and...
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Source: https://breakingdefense.com/2020/08/pentagon-gives-up-huge-slice-of-spectrum-for-5g/ By SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR. on August 10, 2020 An unprecedentedly quick 15-week review identified 100 mHZ of spectrum, now heavily used by military radars, that will be auctioned off in December 2021. WASHINGTON: After a remarkably fast interagency review, the White House today announced a massive transfer of electromagnetic spectrum from military...
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“Our goal is that by the end of fall to have these test beds stood up, and industry working at those sites,” Joseph Evans, DoD’s technical director of 5G, says. By THERESA HITCHENS on June 04, 2020 at 10:38 AM UPDATED TO INCLUDE BASE EXPERIMENT BUDGET WASHINGTON: DoD has chosen seven more bases for experiments...
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Source: https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Media/News/News-Article-View/Article/2106495/proliferated-commercial-satellite-constellations-implications-for-national-secu/ Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations: Implications for National Security By Matthew A. Hallex and Travis S. Cottom Joint Force Quarterly 97 Matthew A. Hallex is a Research Staff Member at the Institute for Defense Analyses. Travis S. Cottom is a Research Associate at the Institute for Defense Analyses. The falling costs of space launch and...
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This post will be updated as we receive more information. The questions and answers thus far can be viewed at the links below: RNW147-2019-08-12 attachment 1 attachment 2
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