
Directed Energy Weapons
Source: Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2021/03/08/the-pentagon-wants-to-arm-drones-with-non-lethal-lasers-and-microwave-cannon/?sh=29e1bd8f1727 Mar 8, 2021 Michael Peck The U.S. military wants to arm small drones and manned vehicles with non-lethal weapons. These devices would include exotic non-lethal gear, including directed energy weapons such as low-powered lasers and microwave beams, as well as more familiar weapons such as stun grenades and stink bombs. These weapons...
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Article by an electrical and computer engineer who designs and builds sources of high-power microwaves (Edl Schamiloglu, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering,  University of New Mexico. https://theconversation.com/scientists-suggest-us-embassies-were-hit-with-high-power-microwaves-heres-how-the-weapons-work-151730 Excerpt Lots of power, little heat Although these high-power microwave sources generate very high power levels, they tend to generate repeated short pulses. For example, the SINUS-6...
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ABC News (Australia) In 2016, staff at the US embassy in Cuba began experiencing inexplicable neurological symptoms, with similar incidents occurring in several other countries, including Australia. As journalist Julia Ioffe reports, the mystery behind “Havana Syndrome” is yet to be explained.
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Source: US ELECTROMAGNETIC DEFENSE TASK FORCE (EDTF) 2018 REPORT https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/AUPress/Papers/LP_0002_DeMaio_Electromagnetic_Defense_Task_Force.pdf Approved for Public Release This conference report is a product of the United States Air Force Air University and the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education. (Published by Air University Press in November 2018). Disclaimer Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within...
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