
Governments and companies urgently need to share data on the mounting volume of satellites and debris orbiting Earth. https://t.co/ek7rYKd4mc— nature (@Nature) August 11, 2021 EDITORIAL 11 August 2021 Governments and companies urgently need to share data on the mounting volume of satellites and debris orbiting Earth. There’s an awful lot of stuff orbiting Earth, with...
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https://twitter.com/spacegovuk/status/1415970780161187840?s=20 Harriet Brettle, Posted on:16 July 2021 – Categories: Space surveillance and tracking As space becomes busier and critical orbits become increasingly crowded, there is a pressing need to ensure the safe and sustainable use of the outer space environment. At the recent G7 summit in Cornwall, G7 nations published a joint statement committing to the safe and sustainable use...
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