
2021-03-20 Source: http://www.ecns.cn/news/2021-03-20/detail-ihaitayy1353910.shtml Digital economy to be major driving force during 14th Five-Year Plan period China is pushing forward the use of informatization within the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25) with 6G technologies being a top priority, as the country boosts development of the digital economy as a new economic driver, government officials and industry...
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Algorithms are meaningless without good data. The public can exploit that to demand change. Source: https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/03/05/1020376/resist-big-tech-surveillance-data/ by Karen Hao, March 5, 2021 Every day, your life leaves a trail of digital breadcrumbs that tech giants use to track you. You send an email, order some food, stream a show. They get back valuable packets of...
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https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.01265 [Submitted on 2 Feb 2021] The Limits of Global Inclusion in AI Development Alan Chan, Chinasa T. Okolo, Zachary Terner, Angelina Wang Those best-positioned to profit from the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems are those with the most economic power. Extant global inequality has motivated Western institutions to involve more diverse groups in the development and...
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The largest ever study of facial-recognition data shows how much the rise of deep learning has fueled a loss of privacy. by Karen Hao February 5, 2021 In 1964, mathematician and computer scientist Woodrow Bledsoe first attempted the task of matching suspects’ faces to mugshots. He measured out the distances between different facial features in printed photographs and...
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In this first episode of City Surveillance Watch, a new limited podcast series, Kate Kaye explores the inherent dichotomy of data-hungry technologies that can be considered forms of surveillance. By Kate Kaye Published  Jan. 11, 2021 When does a smart city become an overly-surveilled city? In this first episode of City Surveillance Watch,a limited podcast series from...
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Source: Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ethiopia-african-union-cyber-exclusiv/exclusive-suspected-chinese-hackers-stole-camera-footage-from-african-union-memo-idUSKBN28Q1DB DECEMBER 16, 2020 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – As diplomats gathered at the African Union’s headquarters earlier this year to prepare for its annual leaders’ summit, employees of the international organization made a disturbing discovery. Someone was stealing footage from their own security cameras. Acting on a tip from Japanese cyber researchers, the African...
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Source: https://www.eetimes.com/putting-the-heat-on-5g-networks-energy-dilemma/ By John Walko  12.18.2020 Some good news emerged earlier this month regarding 5G networks. Nokia and Telefonica have been monitoring various different load traffic scenarios, measuring the energy consumed per Mbps in the radio access network (RAN). They now report that it is “up to” 90% more efficient than with legacy 4G networks. That’s important...
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Source: https://youtalk-insurance.com/news/axa-xl/understanding-5g-technology-from-a-casualty-perspective?fbclid=I Almost as soon as companies announced the development of 5G network technology, the rumours began to swirl about the dangers of 5G networks. Articles suggested that the electromagnetic field put out by 5G technology would increase the risk of particular cancers, and in some of the more extreme claims, were charging that 5G...
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Our November 2020 newsletter can be viewed at: https://mailchi.mp/0944fd1dd964/nov-2020 Webinar with doctoral candidate and multidisciplinary researcher J.C.Lech •Research and regulatory updates •Why are some court cases not successful?Date: Sunday, December 6th, 2020Time: 3pm – 4pm (SAST)Cost: no charge “For the Safer use of Technology”
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Nature 587, 354-358 (2020)doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-03187-3 18 NOVEMBER 2020 Journals and researchers are under fire for controversial studies using this technology. And a Nature survey reveals that many researchers in this field think there is a problem. Richard Van Noorden In September 2019, four researchers wrote to the publisher Wiley to “respectfully ask” that it immediately retract a scientific paper....
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