
Data Gathering
MASS SURVEILLANCE, PART ONE Source: Daily Maverick https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-09-08-heres-how-johannesburg-security-cameras-track-you/ By Heidi Swart • 8 September 2021 Vumacam is a security company with a rapidly expanding surveillance camera network across Joburg. This includes more than 2,000 automatic licence plate recognition (ALPR) cameras recording the registration number of every passing vehicle — at a rate of 9.68 million per...
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Source CPO Magazine https://tinyurl.com/7u97kkm4 SCOTT IKEDA, AUGUST 3, 2021 Amazon’s new sleep tracking technology proposes to cast an “electromagnetic bubble” over customers, monitoring their movements throughout the night in an attempt to improve quality of rest. Critics have already raised multiple concerns, from exactly what Amazon intends to do with the data it collects about...
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Algorithms are meaningless without good data. The public can exploit that to demand change. Source: https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/03/05/1020376/resist-big-tech-surveillance-data/ by Karen Hao, March 5, 2021 Every day, your life leaves a trail of digital breadcrumbs that tech giants use to track you. You send an email, order some food, stream a show. They get back valuable packets of...
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The challenges to humanity posed by the digital future, the first detailed examination of the unprecedented form of power called “surveillance capitalism,” and the quest by powerful corporations to predict and control our behavior. In this masterwork of original thinking and research, Shoshana Zuboff provides startling insights into the phenomenon that she has named surveillance...
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We find our speakers through a combination of literature reviews and calls with experts and community leaders. This year, we wanted to share the fruits of that research. Sources written by or featuring our speakers are listed first and are followed by other sources in alphabetical order. General Historical Background: In Our Times, “The Poor Laws,”...
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Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/smart-cities-are-creating-a-mass-surveillance-nightmare Albert Fox Cahn  Updated 10.01.19 8:59AM ET / Published 10.01.19 4:44AM ET More than a million New Yorkers could soon willingly agree to carry a government-issued tracking device, whether they realize it or not. That’s the proposal from Mayor Bill de Blasio, who having recently returned from the cornfield-dotted campaign trail in Iowa, is setting his sights on transforming New York City...
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Vumatel has started rolling out fibre-to-the-home broadband in Mitchell’s Plain, Cape Town. A Trojan Horse? The Lobby Group Right2Know has crossed swords with Vumatel subsidiary, Vumacam, over the legality of its roll-out of more than 15,000 surveillance cameras on the Vumatel fibre network in Johannesburg. Some have complained that the CCTV cameras, which serve private companies...
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