
Source: Space News https://spacenews.com/dod-agencies-to-invest-more-than-1-billion-in-low-earth-orbit-space-technology/ by Sandra Erwin — May 30, 2021 Technologies developed by SDA, MDA and DARPA are expected to transition into larger Space Force programs WASHINGTON — The Biden administration’s defense budget proposal for fiscal year 2022 seeks more than $1.2 billion  for military space systems in low-Earth orbit.  According to budget documents released May 28, nearly...
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Source: https://news.stanford.edu/2021/03/24/new-initiative-aims-keep-5g-networks-reliable-secure/ MARCH 24, 2021 The transition to 5G will affect every device connected to the internet, including drones. A team of scholars is working to protect the technology from vulnerabilities. BY TOM ABATE Later this year, in a lab in the Durand Building at Stanford University School of Engineering, a team of researchers will...
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With 5G IoT devices projected to hit 49 million units by 2023, researchers launch programs to keep IoT from becoming a blackhole of exfiltration. Open standards were supposed to drive interoperability of Internet of Things devices, allowing cybersecurity software to interrogate devices across the network. Many vendors even hoped to install apps or agents inside...
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Spatial disorientation among US air force pilots has been linked to 72 severe accidents, 1993-2013, with 101 deaths and 65 lost aircraft. Now DARPA wants to know whether RF in combat cockpits may be at least partly to blame. New project is called ICEMAN. Source: https://microwavenews.com/short-takes-archive/iceman September 15, 2020 Spatial disorientation among U.S. Air Force...
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By THERESA HITCHENS on August 28, 2020 At the moment, industry sources say, there is no money to be had for developing systems for DoD’s cislunar operations. WASHINGTON: The possibility of future military activity around the Moon is en vogue in the national security space community, with a plethora of seminars featuring senior Space Force, Air Force and DoD...
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