
Source: https://www.researchprofessionalnews.com/rr-news-africa-south-2020-7-this-is-the-butcher-s-bill-for-south-africa-s-science-cuts/ 16 JUL 2020 By Linda Nordling Treasury’s ultimatum to science department: Slash your budgets or we’ll cut them for you Thousands of postgraduate and PhD grants. Hundreds of research grants. The National Science Week. Research chairs and centres of excellence. These are some of the victims of South Africa’s pandemic budget cuts unveiled...
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Source: https://www.csir.co.za/nextgen-enterprises-and-institutions NEXTGEN ENTERPRISES AND INSTITUTIONS The CSIR enables the transition of South Africa’s institutions into a digitalised era to support effective service delivery; improve government transparency and accountability, as well as facilitate industrial and societal advancement. The CSIR’s Next Generation Enterprises and Institutions cluster focuses on: The development of advanced systems and architectures for...
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