
Bloomberg 27 March 2021 https://mybroadband.co.za/news/energy/391091-south-africa-will-pay-r218-billion-for-electricity-from-powerships-csir.html Karpowership, a unit of the Turkish Karadeniz Energy Group, is on track for its longest contract to date to supply power from vessels to South Africa in a deal worth as much as R218 billion ($15 billion). The company that advertises a “fast, flexible, reliable” solution of floating electricity generation was named...
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Eskom, Connectivity and the Rollout of 5G in South Africa Photo by Matthew Brodeur on Unsplash The much hyped industry 5G, IOT, Fourth Industrial Revolution Utopia depends entirely on connectivity. Almost all 4IR technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robots, self-driving cars, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things (IoT), require high-speed, always-on Internet connections. 5G will only work in places...
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