
Washington, D. C., December 3, 2018. The National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (NISLAPP) applauds Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)  [and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA)] for pressing FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, Esq.  to provide documentation substantiating the Commissioner’s remarks defending ‘5G safety’. Business Wire link: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181203006017/en/Blumenthal-Presses-FCC-Commissioner-Brendan-Carr-Disclose NISLAPP seconds this request.  Jim Turner, Esq.,...
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From a tecchie himself; Senator Patrick Colbeck, R-Canton, warns about the dangers some new technologies pose
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Credit for this post: My Street, My Choice! http://www.mystreetmychoice.com/ (The website contains useful tips for South Africans regarding small cell and cell tower placements in their communities.) Information and links to help residents fight the unconstitutional onslaught of 4G/5G Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas (CPMRA) being proposed in residential zones, which is already a proven...
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The May 2018 Newsletter can be accessed here: https://mailchi.mp/ef73c1b0aef2/may-2018-newsletter-emfsa Subscribe to our Newsletter below:  
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NOTE –  UPDATE: Telkom now heads for the Supreme Court! (see bottom of the page) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN) TELKOM SA SOC LTD + 1 OTHER AND CITY OF CAPE TOWN – PWC Judgement 10th of May 2018 (a)   The Applicants’ application is dismissed with costs.  The...
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By XOLA QETSEMANI May 9, 2018 Marcell Erasmus lives in Colchester End, about 40m away from the tower. The City has taken a Parklands church to task for letting Telkom put up an “unauthorised” cell mast on its property, just metres from a daycare and a primary school. Residents are furious and say they weren’t...
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A cell phone tower was recently erected on the grounds of the Full Gospel Church in Parklands, a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa. The approval from the Municipal Planning Tribunal merely allowed for the church and a place of instruction, not a cell mast. There was no application for this cell mast and there...
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The following cell towers have to be dismantled without any further delay: Copies of the letters and documents below were sent to all relevant officials within the City. 1. Forest Glade Eerste River : Perm Gardens Baptist Church  2. 4th Avenue, Heathfield  3. Manenberg (2nd Avenue, Sherwood Park), right beside a children’s playground. 4. Mitchells Plain...
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