
Photo by redcharlie | @redcharlie1 on Unsplash Comments submitted by EMFSA in 2022: The bill is important to us because we are concerned about increasing pollution caused by ionizing and non ionizing radiation, as well as light pollution. We support this very important bill, however we have some concerns and suggestions: There is a lack...
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Photo by Q.U.I on Unsplash “There is little recognition that Earth’s orbit is a finite resource, the space and Earth environments are connected, and the actions of one actor can affect everyone.” Published: 20 May 2021 Boley, A.C., Byers, M. Satellite mega-constellations create risks in Low Earth Orbit, the atmosphere and on Earth. Sci Rep 11, 10642 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89909-7 Photo by...
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Slides of the presentation, at the International Public Symposium “Biological effects of wireless technology” held in the Electoral Palace, Mainz, Germany, October 4 – 6, 2019, are available from this link Leszczynski Mainz 4 October 2019    
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Mattsson M-O, Zeni O, Simkó M and Scarfì MR (2018) Editorial: Effects of Combined EMF Exposures and Co-exposures. Front. Public Health 6:230. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00230 Editorial on the Research Topic Effects of Combined EMF Exposures and Co-exposures Edited by Dariusz Leszczynski, University of Helsinki, Finland Increasingly, assessment of health effects of environmental exposures is focusing on...
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