
Electro-sensitivity, or EHS, is a biologically correct response to an environmental pollutant.
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9th July 2018 Karl Muller, born in Johannesburg in 1957, his family went into political exile in the Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland) in 1962. He went on to be a physics and mathematics lecturer at Witwatersrand University, South Africa. He also worked as an educational research at the University of Western Cape. Then worked as...
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Credit for this post: EM Radiation Research Trust www.radiationresearch.org Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2018. Vol. 63. No. 3. P. 28-33 DOI: 10.12737/article_5b168a752d92b1.01176625 From Electromagnetic Smog to Electromagnetic Chaos -To Evaluating the Hazards of Mobile Communication for Health of the Population Yu.G. Grigoriev Yuri-Grigoriev-abstract-From-Electromagnetic-Smog-to-Electromagnetic-Chaos A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia. Yu.G. Grigoriev – Leading Researcher,...
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Dr Sarah Starkey: Technology and Education: How safe are our children? Thirteenth Annual ATL Lecture – 24th May 2018, Stormont Hotel, Belfast  NEU_WiFi_in_Schools (1) Dr Sarah Starkey has been studying the scientific evidence for possible biological effects of wireless technologies for the past eleven years. Her background is in Neuroscience research, with a Master’s degree in Neuropharmacology from...
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Posted on June 29, 2018 by phonegatealert.org Our press briefing was held Thursday 28 June 2018 in Paris.  Dr. Marc Arazi, President of the NGO, Phonegate Alert, together with two members of the scientific committee, Dr. Devra Davis (USA), President of the NGO, the Environmental Health Trust, and Dr. Annie Sasco, former chief of a...
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Magda Havas  is an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources at the  University of Trent, Canada.  
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When it comes to children’s development, parents should worry less about kids’ screen time—and more about their own. Erika Christakis July/August 2018 Issue  https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/07/the-dangers-of-distracted-parenting/561752/ Excerpts: Smartphones have by now been implicated in so many crummy outcomes—car fatalities, sleep disturbances, empathy loss, relationship problems, failure to notice a clown on a unicycle—that it almost seems easier...
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ALEX GELI | Staff Writer https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/group-of-concerned-hempfield-residents-sues-school-district-over-cell-towers/article_002f897c-765b-11e8-9b77-77cd2ab3d5ed.html A “no trespassing” sign on the Rohrerstown cell tower construction site displays warnings for potential radiofrequency radiation.  A yearlong battle over cellphone towers on school district property in East Hempfield Township has been revitalized thanks to a lawsuit filed against Hempfield School District. Hempfield Citizens for Safe Schools Inc.,...
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Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 2015 Dec;13(2):531-45. Sangün Ö, Dündar B, Çömlekçi S, Büyükgebiz A. Abstract Children are exposed to various kind of non-ionizan radiation in their daily life involuntarily. The potential sensitivity of developing organism to the effects of radiofrequency (RF) signals, the higher estimated specific absorption rate (SAR) values of children and greater lifetime cumulative...
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