
Cell Tower
The positive and negative health effects from non-native electromagnetic field (nnEMF)effects are real. This includes cell towers. The data has been published, numerous Nobel Prize Awards to explain it, however, the understanding of nnEMF and health in medicine is a cross-pollinating exercise between disciplines in connecting the dots. Most allopathic medicine lacks training in dealing...
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11.10.2018 Erf 80708, 47 Fourth Road, Heathfield, Cape Town Telkom appealed the High Court Judgement of the 10th of May 2018 that found the above cell tower to be unlawful. However this application instituted by Telkom against the City of Cape Town was dismissed by the High Court. Telkom has now appealed for leave to...
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20 September 2018 – Mayor Simon Richardson Approves Refusal of 13.13 Council rejects construction of telecommunication tower at Wilson Creek, Mullumbimby, NSW on the basis of siting, environmental impacts, health and amenity impacts, electromagnetic radiation, visual impacts, proximity to power lines and surrounding residential properties. For more detail visit http://ecsfr.com.au Summary: The DA proposes Mobile...
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