
Cell Phone
 Sources for this post: Microwave News, Lennart Hardell’s Blog and Dr Mark Arazi (Phonegate Scandal) Excerpts: Microwave News https://microwavenews.com/short-takes-archive/italian-decision-precaution   In a victory for advocates of precaution, an Italian court has ordered the government to launch a campaign to advise the public of the health risks from mobile and cordless phones. The information campaign must begin...
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Since the invention of radar, cell phone radiation was assumed to be harmless because it wasn’t like X-rays. But a sea change is now occurring in the way scientists think about it. The latest research ties this kind of radiation to lowered sperm counts, an increased risk of Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. Devra Davis tells...
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate foetal impact of radiofrequencies (RFs) emitted from mobile phones in postnatal cord blood. The study carried on 149 pregnant women divided into four groups such as nonusers of mobile phone (n: 37; control group), 2–15 min/d (n: 39; group 1), 15–60 min/d (n: 37; group 2) and participants...
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Ron Melnick  (who designed the NTP cell phone study): 15 “extensive and misleading statements” made by ICNIRP on the NTP and Ramazzini RF – cancer studies: See the rest at the link below. We wish to point out number 7: Criticism by ICNIRP concerning the consistency between the NTP studies (NTP 2018a) and the Ramazzini...
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“Further Research Is Required” Louis Slesin from Microwave News reports: ICNIRP Finds NTP & Ramazzini RF–Animal Studies Unconvincing https://microwavenews.com/short-takes-archive/icnirp-ntp-ri September 4, 2018 The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has determined that the two recent animal studies pointing to a cancer risk from cell phone radiation are not convincing and should not be used...
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Postaci I, Coskun O, Senol N, Aslankoc R, Comlekci S. Abstract OBJECTIVE: The study was aimed to evaluate the physiopathological consideration of the effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) from the radiation of 4.5 G mobile phones on the liver tissue of rats and quercetin (Qu) applied as an antioxidant for reducing these effects. METHODS: Male...
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We thank Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D (Electromagnetic Radiation Safety) for this information. https://www.saferemr.com/2016/05/national-toxicology-progam-finds-cell.html In a new paper, “Clear evidence of cell-phone RF radiation cancer risk” published in the journal IEEE Microwave Magazine, Dr. James C. Lin states that the results of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) cell phone radiation study suggest that current radio frequency...
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Translated from Italian. Original article: http://bologna.repubblica.it/cronaca/2018/06/26/news/_le_compagnie_telefoniche_informino_sui_rischi_del_cellulare_l_appello_da_bologna-200091340/?refresh_ce Excerpts: June 26, 2018 Bologna The City Council approved an agenda citing scientific studies that highlight the health dangers of cell phones. The municipality of Bologna asked telephone companies to inform the public about health risks related to the use of the mobile phone. The Municipal Council yesterday unanimously...
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Alahmad YM, Aljaber M, Saleh AI, Yalcin HC, Aboulkassim T, Yasmeen A, Batist G, Moustafa AA. Effect of cell-phone radiofrequency on angiogenesis and cell invasion in human head and neck cancer cells. Head Neck. 2018 Oct;40(10):2166-2171. doi: 10.1002/hed.25210. Epub 2018 May 13. PMID: 29756334. Abstract Background Today, the cell phone is the most widespread technology...
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A Notice by the National Institutes of Health on 05/15/2018 SUMMARY: This notice announces the next meeting of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC). The BSC, a federally chartered, external advisory group composed of scientists from the public and private sectors, will review and provide advice on programmatic activities. The meeting...
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