
Today we remember: Apply the Precautionary Principle as far as cell phone use is concerned. •A cell phone is not a toy, it is a radiation emitting device. •Use by infants and children under the age of two should rather be avoided. •Children and teenagers under the age of 16 should carry cell phones for...
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Source: https://yubanet.com/usa/feinstein-cornyn-introduce-bill-to-investigate-military-aviators-risk-of-cancer/?fbclid=IwAR3xWuysGrk28369rySerRorjsq_dvURdPYUluZNHgby9m9npTuSl_ejWuA by YubaNet June 23, 2020 Washington June 23, 2020 – Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) today introduced the Military Aviators Cancer Incidence Study Act, a bill directing the military to conduct a study comparing cancer prevalence among military aviators to that of the general population. Reporting by McClatchy  suggests that military aviators may be exposed to...
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Source: https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2020/04/27/victor-leach-of-orsaa-critical-review-of-the-fda-2020-report/ Below is the next in a series of Guest Blogs on BRHP. The opinions expressed in this Guest Blog are of Victor Leach himself. Publication of these opinions in BRHP does not imply that BRHP automatically agrees with or endorses these opinions. Publication of this, and other guest blogs, facilitates an open debate and free exchange...
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I. Belyaev, “Main Regularities and Health Risks from Exposure to Non-Thermal Microwaves of Mobile Communication,” 2019 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS), Nis, Serbia, 2019, pp. 111-116. Abstract Various responses to non-thermal microwaves (MW) from mobile communication including adverse health effects related to electrohypersensitivity, cancer risks, neurological effects, and reproductive...
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Reposted from Between a Rock and a Hard Place, a science blog on mobile phone radiation and health, by Dariusz Leszczynski: In February 2020 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published Report analyzing studies examining the possible causal link between RF-EMF and cancer. The anti-5G activists in their reading of the FDA Report have narrowly...
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Source: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”, a science blog by Dariusz Leszczynski: New ICNIRP Guidelines will be published, any moment now, in the Health Physics journal. However, for already several months it is known what these new ICNIRP Guidelines will be… Interestingly and importantly, ICNIRP dismisses completely: existence and significance of non-thermal effects existence of the risk of...
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Genetic Susceptibility and RF Radiation Modulate Thyroid Cancer January 21, 2020 Last January, a team led by Yawei Zhang of the Yale School of Public Health in New Haven published an epidemiological study on the possible link between thyroid cancer and cell phones. Though some “suggestive” associations were seen among long-term users, none was statistically significant. Still, the results...
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2019.108845 Extract only, for more see https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0013935119306425?via%3Dihub Although direct causation of negative human health effects from RFR from cellular phone base stations has not been finalized, there is already enough medical and scientific evidence to warrant long-term liability concerns for companies deploying cellular phone towers. In order to protect cell phone tower firms from the ramifications...
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