
Brain tumours
The newsletter can be downloaded from: https://www.bafu.admin.ch/bafu/en/home/topics/electrosmog/newsletter-of-the-swiss-expert-group-on-electromagnetic-fields-a.html EMFSA pdf: https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Newsletter-BERENIS-Nr.-31-ENGLISH-1.pdf
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G. Castaño-Vinyals, S. Sadetzki, R. Vermeulen, F. Momoli, M. Kundi, F. Merletti, M. Maslanyj, C. Calderon, J. Wiart, A.-K. Lee, M. Taki, M. Sim, B. Armstrong, G. Benke, R. Schattner, H.-P. Hutter, D. Krewski, C. Mohipp, P. Ritvo, J. Spinelli, B. Lacour, T. Remen, K. Radon, T. Weinmann, E.Th. Petridou, M. Moschovi, A. Pourtsidis, K....
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Source: https://pandora-foundation.eu/2019/03/19/glioblastomas-have-doubled-in-number-in-england-since-mobile-phones-were-introduced-in-1995/ On October 28, 2018, Microwave News published a report on two research teams from UK, in which each had observed a rise in glioblastoma in England between 1995 and 2014. Glioblastomas are the most malignant brain tumours leading to death in nearly 100% of the cases shortly after detection (1). While incidence and location of the...
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Credit for this post: EM Radiation Research Trust www.radiationresearch.org Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety. 2018. Vol. 63. No. 3. P. 28-33 DOI: 10.12737/article_5b168a752d92b1.01176625 From Electromagnetic Smog to Electromagnetic Chaos -To Evaluating the Hazards of Mobile Communication for Health of the Population Yu.G. Grigoriev Yuri-Grigoriev-abstract-From-Electromagnetic-Smog-to-Electromagnetic-Chaos A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia. Yu.G. Grigoriev – Leading Researcher,...
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Sage C, Hardell L. Fatal collision? Are wireless headsets a risk in treating patients? Electromagn Biol Med. 2018;37(2):95-99. doi: 10.1080/15368378.2017.1422261. Epub 2018 Feb 5. PMID: 29400585. ABSTRACT Wireless-enabled headsets that connect to the internet can provide remote transcribing of patient examination notes. Audio and video can be captured and transmitted by wireless signals sent from...
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(Image source Source: Frank de Vocht, “Corrigendum,” Environment International, posted January 25, 2017)(GBM is a type of glioma, so the right-hand plot would be better titled “Malignant Glioma other than GBM”) GBM Going Up, Other Malignant Glioma Going Down January 31, 2017 The incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most virulent and deadly type of...
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KEVIN MOTTUS at the FCC DIsabilty Advisory Committee on Wireless. On Dec 6 the Committee had another meeting. This time Kevin Mottus from the California Brain Tumor Association, spoke with the hope of awakening the committee to the reality of the many adults and children who have become disabled by wireless technology beause of the...
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