
SHOBRAK, M., ALASMARI, S., ALQTHAMI, A., ALQTHAMI, F., AL-OTAIBI, A., ZOUBI, M., . . . NIKOLOV, S. (2021). Electric infrastructure poses a significant threat at congregation sites of the globally threatened Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis in Saudi Arabia. Bird Conservation International, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0959270921000204 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bird-conservation-international/article/abs/electric-infrastructure-poses-a-significant-threat-at-congregation-sites-of-the-globally-threatened-steppe-eagle-aquila-nipalensis-in-saudi-arabia/115B1CD3657C2B16D309F50A938A8718 The authors call for the urgent safeguarding of powerlines that cause mortality near...
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Source: https://www.worldmigratorybirdday.org/news/2021/world-migratory-bird-day-2022-theme-focus-light-pollution Bonn, 9 December 2021 – Light Pollution will be the focus of the World Migratory Bird Day 2022 campaign.  Artificial light is increasing globally by at least 2 per cent per year and it is known to adversely affect many bird species. Light pollution is a significant threat to migratory birds, causing disorientation when they fly at...
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Streetlights to Satellites: Addressing Light Pollution with the United Nations The United Nations’ Office of Outer Space Affairs is considering issues of light pollution spanning from streetlights to satellites. BY: MONICA YOUNG OCTOBER 22, 2021 The statistics are stunning: More than 80% of the world’s population (and more than 99% of those in the U.S. and Europe)...
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Wilson, A.A., Ditmer, M.A., Barber, J.R., Carter, N.H., Miller, E.T., Tyrrell, L.P. and Francis, C.D. (2021), Artificial night light and anthropogenic noise interact to influence bird abundance over a continental scale. Glob Change Biol. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15663 Abstract The extent of artificial night light and anthropogenic noise (i.e., “light” and “noise”) impacts is global and has the capacity...
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Sriram Murali Being under a sky full of stars makes you feel tiny, humble, kind and caring. But, thanks to light pollution, most people lack this connection. Millions of kids are robbed of finding their passion for Astronomy. We’ve lost the potential for thousands of great minds. We are losing our identity only increasing the...
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Text: Stef van Rijn, Werkgroep Zeearend Nederland Auto-translated from Dutch. Original article https://www.naturetoday.com/intl/nl/nature-reports/message/?msg=27358 Province of South Holland , Working Group Zeearend Nederland 28-FEB-2021 – A juvenile White-tailed Eagle that was tagged in 2019 in the Dordtse Biesbosch had a collision with the rotors of a wind turbine in Germany on February 24 and died. With an increase in the...
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Source: Audubon magazine https://tinyurl.com/4kzfkjy6 A new study suggests that migratory birds have a kind of built-in GPS that helps them navigate the world, even when they’re far from home. By Rachel Fritts March 04, 2021 The birds were getting restless. It was 2018 and fall was in the air, triggering their instinct to leave Austria...
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ScienceDaily, 5 January 2021. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/01/210105104832.htm First direct observation of magnetic field affecting autofluorescence of flavins in living cells. Summary: New research shows how X-Men villain Magneto’s super powers could really work. Researchers have made the first observations of biological magnetoreception – live, unaltered cells responding to a magnetic field in real time. This discovery is...
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The BfS wishes to further investigate indications of possible effects Year of issue 2019 Date: 2019.12.06 Some animal and plant species can perceive electric or magnetic fields. Although limited effects on plants and animals have been observed in some laboratory and field studies, there is still no scientific proof of a risk to plants or animals posed by electromagnetic fields...
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Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/09/light-pollution-destroying-environment/598561/?utm_campaign=2019-10-06&utm_source=email&utm_medium=knowable-newsletter Since 2010, the scientific literature has exploded with research examining light’s effects on individual species, from birds to fish to trees to humans. The news, in general, isn’t good. Artificial light changes animal migration and reproduction, tree leaf growth, bird nesting and fledging, pollination, human sleep, and much more. It even affects the...
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